Reviews for The Human War
Guest chapter 13 . 7/14
this fic is dead isn't it?

why do i keep finding great stories that never finish

i'm actually sad now
Guest chapter 1 . 7/7
I tried to finish it but you are a terrible writer no once did they look to see if they are ethereal you should quit writing
The-White-Spiral chapter 13 . 6/22
Well, I do hope you continue this fic one day!
I hate what you've turned us into, but I love that you've taken this path. Species wide PTSD leads to tunnel vision and cognitive dissonance, especially when combined with secret police and martial law. We don't get to read humanity as arseholes often enough.
nathanfromschool chapter 1 . 6/6
Go go XCom, more Genocide! Yay!
Guest chapter 13 . 6/1
I hate this fic, in trying to beat the Ethreals humanity becomes no better than them and the tiurians will hate humans have much as humans have come to hate the Ethreals and might even join them to fight back
Kira-117 chapter 1 . 5/29
The amount of asari bashing is glorious XD
The Jolley Pirate chapter 13 . 4/30
This is one of the best fanfics have have read, hope it continues soon
Sundanze chapter 12 . 4/26
I think this is a great story. Read it Two times now, and have enjoyed it immensely. Love the differing PoV of Aliens and Humans, my only fear is that The Citadel races are so ingrained in Mass Effect technology that they should not really be able to innovate into the Human tech very much, Also Xcom would probably have a lot of safety protocols installed in their tech to avoid that.

Lastly I really hope You haven't abandoned this story. Would really love to see where it goes next or just how it moves forward.

All the best to you :)
Wolfman217 chapter 12 . 3/18
It's kind of annoying how quickly the Turians managed to advance, it doesn't make sense, in a couple of months they've deployed 2 entirely new weapon systems, 2 entirely new armour types, and a new stealth system. While the Humans haven't sorted out their interdiction problem, especially as that the only thing the humans had to try and develop.

Would have been better IMO in the Turians had clawed back the difference via innovative use (like the RKV's etc) and just starting to reverse engineer human tech than suddenly pulling 5 revolutionary techs out of their ass independent of anything learned from the superior human tech.

Can we get some numbers/ideas on Ships, Planets, Populations etc please? How big are the Humans compared to the various Citadel races? To the have a similar amount of planets and people to Asari/Salarians/Turians? More? Less?

Any plans for the Krogan? They'd be awesome shock troops for the Humans against the Ethereal's, and it wouldn't take much to get the loyalty of a large number of them, they're smashing the Salarians and the Turians which the Krogan will love, and if they develop a (partial, cuz normal Krogan birth rate is far to high to handle) cure for the genophage the Krogans would join them in droves.
pepejohn chapter 13 . 2/28
Good read! Wish it was active again. How do the ethereals fit in with the reapers though? Probably the only point of contention
orionastro chapter 4 . 2/27
stupid humanity , if war with the Etereals was not enought now war with the citadel , no sense at all
healao123 chapter 13 . 2/18
Broo i want more
good story tho
Dyliokhan chapter 13 . 2/9
Hope you come back to this fanfic
huongdaoroma chapter 11 . 1/26
Soo... humans are now lesser versions of reapers?
Andile chapter 13 . 1/21
Interesting fanfic loving the conflict take and the propagander employed. Update please
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