Reviews for Star Wars- Trapped on Imperial Centre
Guest chapter 2 . 6/16/2019
Grandson?! Are you referring to the theory that palpatine is Anakin's biological father?
Jedi Jesi Jiin chapter 10 . 5/8/2017
The overall plot of this story was intriguing, though I was sad by the rift in the end.

On a constructive criticism note (no offense intended) you may want to invest in a beta reader for basic grammar and spelling for future projects. Just a friendly bit of advice if you want it. If not that's cool too.

Happy writing.
Dirtkid123 chapter 11 . 10/23/2016
Guest chapter 2 . 10/20/2016
Guest chapter 9 . 8/15/2016
Loved how Yoda just died when they arrived to meet him! XD the wedding was too cute. I'm not a fan of Mara Jade at all but I'm okay with how you write her in this because she seems more human and sweet. What are the Rebels planning? Can't wait to see Ezra again 333
Bountyhunter1977 chapter 1 . 8/16/2016
Luke going there is to dangerous with Vader and the Emperor there, now i can see him chancing it if both was off world and Luke was there to sneak into the old Jedi temple to gather Training material books training droids to help with his saber fighting technique so when he goes to Dagobah to start his training with Yoda he can concentrate on refining what he knows and working on new advanced techniques that luke did not learn till years later or just never learned.
theLilPen chapter 10 . 8/16/2016
Yay! Another on the Rey Sky train! Rey's a little rebellious as well! Brilliant characterisation. Ben and Rey are perfect! Great update!
Nataly SkyPot chapter 10 . 8/16/2016
Muy bueno.
DawnDayrider chapter 10 . 8/15/2016
Ok, to be honest I was getting worried that this story was losing steam. Luckily this chapter proved other wise!
Star Lord chapter 9 . 8/13/2016
Leia got married and is pregnant?! Holy cow this all took a large lunge forward! And two years is a big time gap. Happy for the couple though! Can't wait to meet the baby! I wonder what the rebels have been up to? Ya know, the Skywalker men will probably want to have the child trained in the Dark arts and I just know Leia will be against that after seeing what it's done to her family and especially Han who makes jokes about the Force and is a non Force user or big supporter. His favorite weapon is a blaster after all. It would be a shame if someone were to...kidnap... Leia before she gives birth. This way she'll see how the Rebellion is doing without looking like a traitor and discussing with the Jedi what's happening in the palace and what she has planned for her child. Luke, Vader and old Palpatine would tear the galaxy apart to get her back. Oh and Han. I'm really curious how strong and well trained Ezra is in the Force. Would be cool to see him battle Luke. I've always been fond of Ezra because he overcame Darkness where Luke could not. Is Leia still training in the Light? Or has she been discreet about her training since she actually finished it with Yoda compared to Luke who did not, well at least not Jedi training for him that is. I can already imagine how attractive Vader looks now that he's all healed. Bet he and Luke look just alike. I love this story and how family ordinated it is because that's always been #1 on the Skywalker agenda. Thanks for updating! Another lovely chapter! And might I just say that your writing has improved significantly throughout this story? Bravo my friend. Bravo.
theLilPen chapter 9 . 8/13/2016
Nice update! Your misspelling of Padawan was funny. You wrote Palawan instead (simple mistake, I would probably make the same LOL). Palawan is a place in my home country. Anyways, "to the future!"
Star Lord chapter 8 . 8/4/2016
So glad my last review helped! I just love this story and can't wait to see what you plan to do with these new set of characters. not going to lie but Chopper is one of my favorite droids right behind R2D2. This is about to get even more exciting! Does this mean Darth Maul is still alive? Will he want revenge against Darth Sidious for betraying and trying to kill him? Will Vader and Ahsoka see each other again and fight? I think what's interesting and what some forget is that Ezra is only 3 or 2 years younger than Leia and Luke are. The way they had Leia in that one episode of Rebels made her seem like a grown adult when actually she would've been around 16 or 17 because in A New Hope she and Luke were only 19. Talk about youngsters taking on some serious business. And is Kanan blind in this because he was at the end of the season. Poor Kanan.

Smart of Leia to try and bring down the Empire from the inside. Luke can say he's just playing games with those two but maybe really he misses them and messes them as an excuse to see them again. And whoa there! Leia and Han are engaged?! Lol isn't he supposed to ask the father for permission first? Yeah I doubt Vader or Palpatine approve of some smuggler marrying into the family. The part where Luke arranged for them to sleep in aeperste beds was hilarious. Hey, I wouldn't want my sibling sharing a bed with someone either and have them get freaky. Nu-Uh. Glad Wedge is alive still. Love that guy. Good friend of Luke's and I'm sure he can come in handy.

Thanks for updating so soon again. You're da-bomb ;)
Guest chapter 8 . 8/3/2016
Nataly SkyPot chapter 8 . 8/4/2016
Muy bueno.
BlueLightning22 chapter 8 . 8/3/2016
Awesome! I love how you included Rebels characters and ahsoka to this fic. Looking forward to more!
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