Reviews for The Godfather
ArtimuosJackson chapter 1 . 4/18/2018
One thing I liked to say about this story is the goblins are not dwarves from middle earth in books Bill said that they are greedy. And they probably would have supported Voldemort if he offered them more powers or money Griphook only helped Harry because he thought that it would be more beneficial to him and his goblin folks because he can acquire the sword of Gryffindor.
sn0wy.mk21 chapter 5 . 2/19/2018
omg omg omg omg plsssssssssssssssssssssss tell me that you're going to update this story i'm like at the edge of my seat waiting for the next chapter.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/31/2017
K3sava has done sweet effall with the story
MuggleDumbledore chapter 5 . 1/2/2017
Waiting for the next one.
old-crow chapter 4 . 10/23/2016

I love coming back to this story. It's different enough to be interesting and I enjoy the storyline as well as your style of storytelling.

All the best as you continue with your tale.

Remustonkslupin chapter 1 . 9/18/2016
First off Ginny nor Ron would ever work along side Malfoy nor would he go to them too. Second off Harry would never just kill anyone. Third off I felt Ginny and Ron were not in character. They would never use Harry and Hermione like that. I just want to say that I do not like this fic at all. There are so many things that could be better with it. Plus Harry is not a Black by birth so he would have no rights there. The only rights he would have is what his godfather left in the will. Also killing Andromeda just so Harry could raise Harry was wrong. He is too young to raise a child. He needs time to just be Harry and not saving the whole world.
old-crow chapter 5 . 8/15/2016

I never had success with writing multiple tales concurrently, and always marvel at storytellers who have success doing it.

All the best,

The Big Bad Wolf-9 chapter 1 . 7/25/2016
Goddamn Harry straight up merc'd Narcissa and Draco hahah. That's what happens when you target his son.

I'm impressed, not many people would have the gumption to kill them off.
BMS chapter 3 . 6/20/2016
Way to angsty for me but an interesting story none the less.
Good luck w/ it
alix33 chapter 5 . 6/19/2016
Yay! for Hogwarts finally having acquired a gym.
LOL at X talking like Yoda.
Stretches? Some modified form of yoga? Yoga itself?
"since the not everybody" - "since not everybody".
"wholeheartedly" should be one word.
Does "George Graham" refer to the British footballer?
I am SO moved at Harry having found crumple-horned snorkacks in Luna's memory (in memory of Luna? I'm now not sure).
AW! at Remus having to remind Harry that he was a big boy now.
Yay! for Harry wanting and it seems succeeding in giving Teddy that extra bit of protection he (Harry) didn't have, but IMO should have had, while at Hogwarts.
"jumping to conclusions", not at them.
"what for" should be two words.
Jeez, about time! (at that IMO long overdue admission from Severus Snape)
csheila chapter 5 . 6/19/2016
The sadness in this story doesn't make it any less deep or heartfelt. Losing Luna would harm Harry as much as Hermione. Luna never would have allowed him to slip away or at least not as easily.

I ship Harmony but will always make room for Luna.

(Or given Luna talks to him, maybe I'm wrong. Even though they are different stories the lack of counseling comes through as it does in the Detention Story. Or maybe people really never recover from war.)

Love the idea of the island. It's the perfect remembrance.
Lonelywicked chapter 3 . 5/31/2016
Honestly, this is kinda depressing, but interesting. The kid is crazy smart. Hermione and Harry, two lonely people.
HurricaneShippu chapter 1 . 5/19/2016
Alright, chapter one competed. Let's take a look at what happened.

Firstly, I don't think you know how flashbacks work. Because your first use of it was so egregious it was almost absurd. The main issue with the flashback was that you merely used the flashback to give the reader an info dump of exposition. Flashbacks are a characters memories of occurrences or events not a recap of a bunch of stuff that you've decided to change from canon. The opening gives a strong sense of tell don't show, which is always disappointing.

I don't know if you've realised this but you are basically bashing the Weasleys, Hermione, and the Malfoys. They've become hyperbolic caricatures of themselves. Cardboard cut outs of what you perceive their characters to be rather than anything supported by the canon you falsely state to follow, however implicitly.

Now onto Harry, with the shadow in his eye, that dark gleam which while giving him an unhinged appearance no doubt makes the ladies wet with anticipation. You've taken Harry, the paragon of light and turned him into some bloke with a raging angstboner. Seriously... do you realise how absurd what you've written actually is? Because I'm not even touching the stilted dialogue, not that there's much of it. You realise that in a story about Harry, Hermione and Teddy that Draco has the first piece of dialogue which is simultaneously confusing and difficult to follow despite there only being three lines of it?

I'm sure you'll get nice reviews from people who will enjoy your fic, because let's face it, there wouldn't be close to 700,000 fics that are just about the exact same if people didn't read them and encourage their propagation.

Have a nice day hope you find some truth in my words. If you don't? Oh well, you asked for a review
alix33 chapter 4 . 5/18/2016
Is Derrick Wood as yummy-looking as his dad was while he (Derrick's dad) was a student at Hogwarts?
I like the new points-awarding system.
"wands at ready" - "wands at the ready".
"up for the adventured" - "for the adventure".
"great-grandmother" should be hyphenated.
LOL at that Lord of the Rings pun "Speak 'friend' and enter".
Yay! for Harry having learned Arithmancy and Ancient Runes , even though the method with and circumstances in which he learned it was far less than optimal or ideal.
I'm only a little bit sad that Harry's distrust of Ron had grown to include Hermione too.
Harry and Teddy's good relationship with Robert and Helen made me 50% glad (because of that good relationship Harry and Teddy now have in their lives) and 50% angry at how dim-witted their daughter has become by association. They certainly did not conceive or raise her to be thus.
"stay out of Vernon Dursleys' way" - "Vernon Dursley's way".
AW! at Remus and Tonks still being involved in raising Teddy.
I'd have experienced the same level of sorrow at being called "Dada" by Teddy if I were Harry. As it was, I teared up just reading it.
"the Harry Potter had hissed" - "Harry Potter had hissed".
teedub chapter 4 . 5/18/2016
OH, this is very interesting and more realistic than the crappy canon epilogue. Hermione is still a self-righteous, judgemental little girl isn't she? As if her morals are so much more important and correct than anyone else's. But then again, I'm biased against her character so take my criticism of her with a grain of salt. I've just never responded well to people with her personality traits, no matter how much an author might try and soften or justify them.

Love the plot and can't wait for more! The Stone of Learning is such a creative use of the DH.
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