Reviews for The Reckoning
Guest chapter 39 . 1/31/2019
Great story, ended up reading it in one day. loved it !
If there is ever more looking forward it.
Kung-fu Blaziken chapter 5 . 8/15/2018
I know next to nothing about Hellboy, but the presentation of the BPRD is done so well that I don't actually have too many questions.
And Carmilla is great.
Good work.
whimsicalfey chapter 3 . 9/11/2017
Ah. Time-skip! cx For some reason I thought you were going to go through WWII... or at least some of it. But then when would we get to Laura? c:

But it does seem that Carmilla has good standing in the Army. They're not afraid of the occult/supernatural, either, which is a nice change. So it's the US Army demon hybrid Carmilla vs. Lilita...
whimsicalfey chapter 2 . 9/11/2017
I see - so Carmilla's going to join the US Army in WWII? I have to say, I've never read one of these supernaturals-as-weapons-of-war where the weapon is treated well or has a choice. They usually either take them as a young age (as Hellboy seems to have been) or enslave/condition/extort them, though I can't see the army doing that to Carmilla. She's too aware for that - and at this point, really doesn't have anything to lose.
whimsicalfey chapter 1 . 9/11/2017
So, I really don't know what Hellboy is (it's a comic book thing, right? cx) but *this* sounds interesting, even without knowing, so you really could post this in the Carmilla section. You'd get more hits that way. (And it gets bumped again.)
Xadris chapter 4 . 4/23/2016
Really love your Hellboy crossover AU. I love Hellboy and Carmilla. Together, they make everything amazing. Your fanfiction is very interesting and I can't wait to read more.
Keep up the good work ;)