Reviews for I'm Trying
Lavenderbeotch chapter 4 . 3/24
This be pretty interesting
Guest chapter 7 . 11/5/2018
Morty is smol bean
Eli chapter 14 . 11/4/2018
Honestly, this was amazing. I'm someone who's been in and out of hospitals for mental health reasons. This portrays an honest depiction of what would happen and how families react to this sort of thing. The writing was insanely good, I laughed, at the end I honestly cried. I hope to the STARS you keep writing! You have some major talent. Thank you so much for sharing this on here 3
Hiei's Cute Girl chapter 14 . 3/17/2018
I think the part about Rick having inappropriate thoughts about Morty could have been generally avoided without influencing or ruining the value of your story. It rather felt more like an add-on, an extra incentive, than anything Rick would feel. Rick's a practical dude, taking a Free-Morty voucher is mostly due to his pragmatic way of thinking. (I need a Morty, my Morty can die any time, I'd rather not have to pay for a new Morty.) He can get emotional, of course, he can love his Morty very much... but Rick's a nihilist to boot. He knows everyone dies. It would have been an interesting idea to explore alongside Morty's anxiety.

Because God knows there's no better depression than knowing the Universe gives very little fucks to the life forms it has produced.

Still, I loved it! Excellent job!
Irymia chapter 14 . 1/9/2018
This story is just terrific. Since I myself dealt with depression and panic attacks, I can definitely say you portrayed all these things in an impressively realistic and skilful way. I'll let myself to disagree with Cezille07: In my opinion, every word in this story is put in its place and you kept the balance between plot and character internalization.
I also LOVE how you describe Rick, Morty and Summer's interaction. It's like in the show, but somehow a bit different at the same time, like you have your own idea of their relationship in your head and it's really interesting and amusing to read.
Thank you for sharing this.
FrostyFirebender chapter 14 . 11/2/2017
Yay! A nice, happy ending.
AppleSpongeCake chapter 14 . 10/23/2017
An absolutely fantastic end to a fantastic fic. Thanks for sharing.
Cezille07 chapter 5 . 10/23/2017
I like the fic, but just enough. I was looking for more plot, but a majority of sentences begin with, "Rick thought...", "Morty wanted W", "He had been X", "Y could have happened, but Z..." A quoteRick interrupted, ignoring his vow but thinking this couldn't be a more relevant time to do so." Two-thirds of this sentence is already implied. Character internalization outweighed the narration of what was actually happening, and when something did happen, it was often described too literally. I guess I'm just looking for balance, none of this is bad, but the first few chapters follow this trend heavily.

But maybe it's the best medium for such a serious topic. I might be lucky for not experiencing such thoughts, but knowing that others, real people, go through similar agony, is frightening on its own, and looking at other reviews: a few have admitted going through the same. That chords were hit with accuracy, that they understand Morty's motivation, is a hint that the writer may be acquainted with anxiety as well. (And if so, hugs to you, dear, and everyone too.)

I applaud the courage and the honesty with which this story was written. The protagonists were believable and in-character. The premise was very interesting; as for the plot, I'll reserve further comments until I finish. xD
Tetsuhiro Morinaga chapter 14 . 10/23/2017
That was amazingly written! The analysis of everyone's emotions - especially Rick's conflicting ones - was a joy to read. Looking forward to your next RaM story!
Chibininjah chapter 14 . 10/19/2017
love that ending
The Night Kitty chapter 14 . 10/17/2017
This was so awesome. Very well written and impressive. The ending was fantastic and I really enjoyed reading it.
Vercinacox chapter 13 . 10/16/2017
Nooooooooooooooo! A cliffhanger! Torture D: This is friggin awesome!
xXPokeFictionXx chapter 13 . 10/6/2017
Shit, I don't know what it was but the ball fondlers scene before Beth came in was perfect. Thanks for this, I love it!
TomXDlove chapter 13 . 9/16/2017
Man, I can't wait for the next chapter!
sakurasapprentice7 chapter 1 . 9/12/2017
This hit a little too close to home
I've been experiencing the same anxiety as Marty so this is either going to be very therapeutic or make things worse ha
But yeah the description was just top notch
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