Reviews for Hungry for Magic
Guest chapter 5 . 8/2
Beautiful heartwarming first kiss.
Guest chapter 4 . 8/2
The A/N is fascinating. You put a lot of work into your writing.
Guest chapter 3 . 8/2
Great idea with the cave paintings.
Guest chapter 2 . 8/2
Good revelation Arthur's protective feelings overrides his fear.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/2
Very exciting and dramatic start. The characterization is good.
Kage Kitsune chapter 8 . 6/2
Hmm. I feel like if Arthur has magic and Merlin doesn't, than Merlin might not be as required. Arthur could bring Albion about without Merlin? Not that he necessarily would, just that he could, especially since he has Merlin's magic. I'm kind of surprised that stealing magic out of the actual incarnate of magic didn't kill him immediately or put him into a full blown coma or does he slowly start slipping away?
Well, Arthur better give it back fast before anything bad happens.
Kage Kitsune chapter 7 . 6/2
I can only imagine what this creature wants and what's it's doing with those bodies. Maybe it's an undead dragon that can use necromancy! Onto the next chapter!
Kage Kitsune chapter 6 . 5/24
I enjoyed the cuddling and even more so Arthur tickling Merlin. They're just so happy together.

I'm interested in the dagger as well, so excited to read the sequel.
Kage Kitsune chapter 5 . 5/22
I agree it was fast, but they're such an adorable couple, no one will say much. I love how you're doing the spells. I checked out the website to see about my own fic. Definitely going to take some time to figure it out, but thanks for posting it.

On to the next chapter!
Kage Kitsune chapter 4 . 5/22
I'm still feeling like the problems were solved too fast and too easily, but it will probably balance out since there are more problems and it is only 10 chapters. I'm still enjoying it and happily moving on to the next chapter.
Kage Kitsune chapter 3 . 5/20
Not bad. I like how Arthurfound out about Merlin's magic. So far the story is good, but I did think the druids coming up and talking to Arthur was a bit too convenient? And that Arthur was a little too fast in accepting a prophecy? Besides that another good chapter.
Kage Kitsune chapter 2 . 5/20
Nice. Arthur better get over it and handle the magic. I'm sure he will, because you're nice and write happy endings so far that I've read. I'm enjoying this and glad there's not only more chapters, but a sequel. And I love the nightmare holding Merlin longer. If you like horror, Fatal Frame 3 is a playstation 2 video game which that same concept.
Kage Kitsune chapter 1 . 5/20
Nice build up and wonderful job on the nightmare.
Banshee Wolf chapter 10 . 11/26/2018
hey there, me again. so far I'm really enjoying this. but I have a question for you and don't know how to send private messages on this app. (I'm. mobile currentlythis "Arthur gets Merlin's Magic" concept is absolutely fascinating to me, and yours is the first time I've read something like it, is this a common theme in these fiction's? anyways, my question is thiswould you mind if I wrote a different version of this? in which Arthur doesn't already know about Merlin's magic when he gets it. I just think this would be hilarious.
gaylelbf chapter 10 . 5/20/2018
Nice story!
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