Reviews for A Night You'll Never Forget
TylerTheOvertaker chapter 1 . 4/22/2016
This story was solid 5/7 material, but you really should have had Jinenji and Inuyasha together with Kogame. Maybe as she basked in the after glow of getting fucked by a dog and horse, the two guys could have gone at it a bit? Needless to say, this demotes you to 4/7.
#soclosebutsofar #dox
brit-sama chapter 1 . 4/3/2016
woooowww I didn't expect this...woooooooowwwwe
SincerelyShania chapter 1 . 4/2/2016
Wow. The imagery in this really made for a horrifying, arousing scenario. Everything started happening so quickly that once things began getting weird, it was too late to stop reading. Once again, your writing style is executed beautifully. I cannot wait to feast my eyes upon your next masterpiece. Gotta love a 12-inch, controllable essential horse dick belonging to a half-demon.