Reviews for Comrade and Cowboy both start with a C
JDMichelle2626 chapter 36 . 7/10
I really enjoyed this thanks for the great story.
zikashigaku chapter 36 . 4/10
I wish there were more fanfics for Cowboy Bebop it’s sooo good! I definitely loved this story a lot and this last chapter gave me so many feels and I wanted to burst into tears because this is something Spike would totally do before putting his act together! I would have love to see Ed’s reaction it would have definitely been amusing. Ah but I love the last part I could totally picture it and I really wanted to cry!
Zeus chapter 20 . 10/2/2019
The last part made me cry
wierdunusualchick chapter 35 . 9/25/2017
I really love you're story. It is so well written. Please tell me there is going to be an epilogue (assuming this is the last chapter considering the title). I want to know if the baby is a boy or a girl!
Trickery-dock chapter 33 . 10/4/2016
Hi! I can't wait for more!:)
LilyAnneShinigami chapter 33 . 7/25/2016
Oh my god. You're hurting me. Why do you like hurting me? I can't wait for Felix to die! That fucking weirdo! And my god the way you write auajsh. I love it. And kudos on making me hate Felix like literally his character is so fucking aggravating kudos to U.

Please don't make Edie go through this anymore T.T

Spike where u at bitch step up!

But anyways, this whole chapter was fantastic. The way you convey emotions, I can feel it through the characters. The little love speech was a great add, makes the weight of this chapter more so heavy. Wonderfully written!
LilyAnneShinigami chapter 32 . 6/21/2016
Please update! Freaking Spike and Jet YA'LL KNOW THIS BABY DADDY STOP FRONTIN'
SnowKi chapter 31 . 5/6/2016
more pleaz
LilyAnneShinigami chapter 31 . 4/30/2016
I want to fucking cry. CRY. I can't wait for the next chapter. You got me all nervous and shit here!
LilyAnneShinigami chapter 26 . 4/11/2016
Ahhhh! I can't wait for the reveal! I have been reading this since 8 Am this morning. Spike you asshole don't you understand what SHES going through T.T can't wait to read another chapter! (I limited myself a few chapters and finally caved and read like 10 chapters in one sitting!)
MM chapter 21 . 4/6/2016
I have one to many criticsms for your story. To start off, the length of chapter varies. Some times its long other times it's painfully short.

Making me want more..

Another problem is that you have uploaded too many chapters..

Leaving me to read them all in the span of 5 hours.

Which means I barely got any sleep.

That is a asshole thing to do..

Can't wait for the next chapter! I'll check every so often. I'll come back next week. I sure do hope there are more chapters. It was an interesting read. Funny, sweet and moving and an interesting read. She's pregnant! Woo! There is something here I see that I barely see of. Character developmemt between the characters. Great job, looking forward to the next one!
Uodate soon chapter 15 . 4/4/2016
Update soon I can't get enough of this
Sam chapter 5 . 4/3/2016
I'm so happy a decent oc cowboy bebop storyyyyy ~
Keep the chapters coming I can't wait until you update! I loved the mini fight!
DeletedByeee chapter 7 . 4/4/2016
I was listening to landslide earlier. How odd..
Really admire their interactions!
DeletedByeee chapter 6 . 4/4/2016
I really like this! And there's so many chapters. Is this published anywhere else?
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