Reviews for Down the Rabbit Hole
lazygirlabc chapter 3 . 8/25
wow it really is another summer. this ones a little diffrent though ya know global pandemic! woo! this fic makes me feel SOMTHING...its like a song that takes you back to a certain time. your charaters. because after re-reading this fic is it now five times? they feel like they belong to you. i dont know if you read these and i dont know if you still write (i hope you do even if its not this fic, you have talent girl) im not sure if i write these for me or for you aha. gods im 15, nearly 16. its always been the time in our world that natsu and lucy spent. thats always been my favourite. it was so fun and beautiful and there's not a single thing i would change about it. maybe this is on a email you forgot the password for or times have just moved on for you but if you can see this then thanks! this fic is my time uh see you next summer? edit: had to choose a random cahpter, one reveiw per chapter or somthin' 3
Wynterlace chapter 38 . 2/2
I am surprised that Natsu didn’t turn into END when he couldn’t hear her heart beat. Will you put that in for the next time Lucy has a near-death experience like when the Spriggan 12 show up? Also, are the Spriggan 12 going to show up in this fan fiction? Overall, this story is the best NaLu fanfiction I have read. There are some spelling errors here-and-there, but overall this fanfiction is stellar. This story is cute, continue writing it. This story is so good, you should write a sequel and more.
stranger1999 chapter 38 . 10/31/2019
this AU is frikin AMAZING!
i love how you've characterized all of the characters particularly Natsu and Lucy!and the Nalu is so heartwarming and adorable it makes me want to to cry
and you really can't disappear after putting us (and Natsu) through all this heartache in the last few chapters
i hope you're alright and that this story is continued soon!
lazygirlabc chapter 38 . 8/16/2019
this is gonna sound really fucking crazy but i promise i’m not an obsessed lunatic. i re-read ur fic. ok so maybe it’s not that creepy of a thing to do but, like, idk man reading a fic for the third time since you were 11 is kinda weird.
anyway after i read the fic i realised that the last two times i read the fic i reviewed. i also got to cringe on my younger self. which was mildly traumatic.
so here’s my review. you are the embodiment of talent. i don’t know what you are doing with your life and time but i hope you are writing.
i noticed especially when reading erzas charter how well you not only portrayed her the way she was in the original but how she fit with the charters in your story was so...right?! i dunno how to describe it. in fact you did so with pretty much all the fairy tail gang. but erza stood out to me because usually people tend to forget about her quirks.
your description amazes me. you never bore the reader but you mange to get out all the information you need for the plot to run smoothly. it never feels like you’re pulling ideas out of a hat but like they were meant to be.
i enjoyed re-reading this fic. i got the same clench at my heart as i always do. i laughed like i always do and the fact your readers feel that the third time around is great. i’m 14 now. which is crazy since i was 11 when first reading. but i still get the same excitement reading this. i don’t know if you’ll actually see this but i hope you do. and uh you’ll hear from me next summer i guess?
stelladragonslayer chapter 38 . 7/28/2019
that was just beautiful
Daydream-wannabewriter chapter 38 . 7/8/2019
I am absolutely in love with this story and totally wish that you didn’t leave me hanging. Gah! The agony! What was that magic? Will Natsu finally confess when Lucy can hear it? Will they kick Zeref’s butt and destroy the demon gates? I’m dying to know!
Guest chapter 38 . 6/9/2019
i know you haven't updated this story in over a year but i just read it and i wanted to give feedback even if you probably will not see it.
i cried when Lucy died. i didn't even cry when that happened in the manga or anime. i don't cry. EVER. so i don't know why but you wrote it in a way that just made me sobb.
you writing is like the summer. some writers i see as scrawled and quick, waves crashing around trying to piece itself together but constantly swirling. and that's great.
but yours is like a summer evening, calm and happy and there's a hit of cold and you never want to leave it. its calm and collected so when you feel something you feel it so, so much more.
i know this review doesn't make much sense. its quite wobbly and messy. thank you for writing as much as you did! its amazing and will stay with me for a long time after reading it.
lazygirlabc chapter 1 . 11/24/2018’s been a while...are you ok...have you dropped this story...please continue...your writing is are you...I cannot live the rest of my life not knowing the ending to this amazing story...sorry if I sound irritating, just really miss your work
Guest chapter 38 . 7/20/2018
Guest chapter 38 . 7/13/2018
Ok how about we stop my suffering and SEE THE NEW CHAPTER I am in pain, PAIN your writing is too amazing for you to leave me like this. You’re killing me, you’re killing your reader

And she lives I wish she was like “I lived bitch” because that would have been mother fucking awesome.

The longer this review the more likely a new chapter so we gonna keep going gurl

I’d natsu my husband yes

Did I spent the last two weeks binge reading this, also yes

Am I shook

Do I kina hate the fact that it’s this good
Yes let me be jealous

I haven’t had this much fun reading a story since the Harry Potter books

Give me some love aka a new chapterrrrrrr
Guest chapter 38 . 5/25/2018
DropChat chapter 38 . 5/2/2018

dropchat. exe has stopped working
Erzascarlet1357 chapter 38 . 3/16/2018
Just re read the last chapter and on my god I just can’t right now!
I forgot how amazing this story is! When will the next chapter come out?! The anticipation is killing me! Also I see what you did with the chapter title...the anime episode title, makes me cry happy tears... yeah I probably am a bit too obsessed. Also while I’m here I wanna say the chapter before made me cry, it was so good! And yeah I’ll just be a mess in my emotions byeeeeee
Guest chapter 38 . 2/22/2018
*screams out of joy while tackling you from behind* hello it's me Darlene Gosh you're back! Every week I was checking if you updated and got super worried that something happened or that you weren't feeling well. I am SO GLAD that you are better and here again:3 And I am sooooooooooo glad that Lucy did not stay dead *phew* I was crying all over again. I am not quite sure with whom Lucy did talk. First I thought the key but then it didn't make sense cause the key is not with every one who is dying. So then I thought maybe the celestial King but aaargh I don't know. Maybe it was just the energy of the key that talked to her. But is the key now IN Lucy or IS the key Lucy? gaaah I don't know! So many questions I think that you portraied Natsus despair perfectly! How the time seems to flow differently and that he can't think or act straight, bloody brilliant! The semester is fine, I am changing my subject (again) to japanese studies and I am quite happy about that. Right now I have vacations till april. And how are you? How is it going for you? AND OMG YES! I never was so excited about a new year than this one! I can't wait to watch fairy tail and gush with you about every episode! Don't worry, I will probably annoy you with how much I am texting you about them :D Yeah I hope so too, I really liked how they animated the eyes and the magic. But I really hope with all of my heart that they will stop making the boobs bounce that was just weird oO yeeah I even outlined three chapters for this Tarzan AU but somehow got stuck. I guess when I rewatch Tarzan I will really start writing things down and then you have to help me with beta reading or listening to my weird thoughts, of course only if that's okay with you *blusehy nervously* aaaaw me too! I missed you too, every time I read your fic and these super lovely messages it makes me happy:3 sooo *pats your head lovingly* see you next chapter:)
The Age of Awesomeness chapter 38 . 2/20/2018
I cannot word. I cannot put thought into word. It not work.

Well, at least Lucy’s alive now, so I don’t have a reason to start figuring out where you live to make you write a new chapter.

I cannot believe you! A cliffhanger for approximately 5 months, and then you update! Ahhhhh!


Either way, great work! Keep it up and please update SOON!
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