Reviews for The Sessions
Hufflepuff Legend chapter 5 . 1/5/2017
Omg this chapter was amazing, thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Really happy that you have got back in the spirit of writing and hope the personal issues improve.
Hunter801 chapter 5 . 1/5/2017
I honestly forgot I even favorited this story it's been so long. But I'm glad I did this update reminded me how good this story is. Can't wait to see what happened next chapter! :)
adventurecroft96 chapter 4 . 12/6/2016
I really like the way this is written and how clearly devoted you were to capture the effects of the trauma that Lara experiences after Yamatai. I'm a psychology major, so I found the exchange between Lara and her therapist really intriguing. I never really thought of Lara and Sam much as a couple, but you definitely shaped them into a believable one! Great story :)
Reckreator chapter 4 . 5/4/2016
I'm glad to see Kaz around. She was a great character who was mysteriously never mentioned in Rise. It's worrying that Lara's sleep-researching but at least she gets maximum productivity.
Looking forward to seeing how you finish the story :D.
Guest chapter 4 . 5/3/2016
What is Lara getting herself into? I really enjoy how you've written her, it feels very honest. Great fic keep writing (:
twilightmoon777 chapter 1 . 5/2/2016
I like how you crafted a story behind that famous photo of the two girls, and you even managed to include in it Roth as well. A part of me had always wondered who actually took the picture. It make sense for him to have been there. That was great. I also like the way you wrote Lara filling out the paperwork, how she briefly ponders each emotion. She's so emotionally honest here, I love it! This is looking like a real solid story so far. Great job!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/26/2016
tuesday the 25th of july is in 2017
Reckreator chapter 2 . 4/17/2016
Poor Lara. Poor Sam. I hated how the comics didn't explore their relationship much- it was such a missed opportunity. I like how Lara has a drinking problem as it makes sense for her to seek something which helps her avoid thinking about her problems, though with 6 sleeping pills I'm surprised she's not dead yet.
Still loving the story :)
Reckreator chapter 1 . 4/8/2016
Great story! Nice portrayal of Lara's struggle and I like how you fit it into Sam and Lara's relationship.