Reviews for Chamberlain's Struggles
Guest chapter 1 . 6/11/2016
Awesome work!
Energy witch chapter 23 . 5/21/2016
So far so good. At least they didn't get in really BIG trouble with the emperor. But who knows if somebody would want revenge and try and harm the small family...I'm such a worry wart but better safe than sorry. They might want to take precautions, what if they use his kids for leverage.
Whiteling chapter 23 . 5/21/2016
Well, the little cuties are accepted into the clan.
Energy witch chapter 21 . 5/18/2016
Well I'm curious on how they are going to expose Skeklach tot he emperor. But they better be careful who knows if he'll threaten to harm their kids.
Whiteling chapter 21 . 5/18/2016
Wonder what Sil has in mind to offer the Emperor, and hows he going to let the court accept his children without the walking corpse wanting to do away with them? *gulp*
Whiteling chapter 20 . 5/17/2016
OK they're in and they got at least one ally helping them. Even Ekt couldn't resist the cuteness of the baby skeksis.
Energy witch chapter 19 . 5/16/2016
Glad to see Skekla finally sees her children and is happy to her mate again.

But they both must be cautious so the others won't suspect, it's going to be tricky in finding a way back in the court considering the law.
Whiteling chapter 19 . 5/16/2016
Sil had returned, reunited with his love and La is introduced to her children and Sil's. Now all that's left is to rough it out til they figure something out.
Energy witch chapter 18 . 5/15/2016
My question is how is he gonna sneak in without the others noticing unless he signals Skekla somehow.
Whiteling chapter 18 . 5/15/2016
Sil said his goodbyes and setting off with his newborn children. He's still going to need something to get back into the Skeksis court with his kids safe and sound.
Energy witch chapter 17 . 5/14/2016
THAT B#* %! I get it i'd be really upset but Why does Sil have to pay for the other Skeksis's paranoia!

If Skeksil plans on going his way, he'll have to say goodbye to Byron and Wyneth. Last thing he wants if for them to worry and go look for him only to run into the Garthim along with possibly one of his clan...

And the fact that he needs to get back to the castle and see his mate without anyone else noticing.

It's best if those two don't follow him otherwise they'll be in danger.

Btw I know that Skekla's takes Sil's word for it regarding Skeklach's secret agenda it would be perilous when she secretly sees it herself but she will have to be careful not to be seen. Imagine both Tek and Lach will suspect that one of the clan seen what they're up to problem is who?
Whiteling chapter 17 . 5/14/2016
Maybe it's best Sil says his goodbyes to his new friends before departing. Maybe those two can escape further up river till they reach the borders of Thra, just be far away enough to go in hiding from the Garthim.

But how's Sil going to get into the castle with SkekLach still being the favorite of SkekSo (or as I call him the Walking stiff)? And with two babies in his arms without risking their safety?
Energy witch chapter 16 . 5/12/2016
OH...(smiles warmly) the babies are finally born.

They got a long day ahead of them with the new arrivals. If only there was a way to send word secretly to Skekla about the news of her mate and offspring.
Whiteling chapter 16 . 5/12/2016
He gave birth to his and La's babies! *endeared reactions* They both ought to be very proud.
Whiteling chapter 15 . 5/11/2016
Won't be long now, the day for giving birth is fast approaching.
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