Reviews for While you were alseep
Guest chapter 1 . 10/10/2017
Maybe you could perform a seance and ask Monty why he came up with the whole silver eyed warrior thing, cause for the next few volumes Rooster Teeth are using what Monty left them to use for RWBY none of this is their doing, so obviously you're not happy with what Monty had planned
Guest chapter 1 . 8/15/2016
This is a beautiful one-shot! To me, this is canon. You filled in the gaps really well, and I liked Winter and Qrow meeting again. I personally don't see them as a pairing, per say but they could become good friends overtime somehow.

I wish there were more stories about Qrow and Taiyang with Yang and Ruby. There aren't many Qrow and Yang focused one shots, nor Taiyang and Ruby ones because writers tend to put up stories of Qrow mentoring Ruby etc.

I genuinely think that Qrow, after travelling with Ruby will discover Yang fighting with his sister. Then he'll mentor her on how to fight without an arm (I don't want her having a robotic one), and I have a feeling that Taiyang will either be involved in Yang's personal storyline or Ruby's. Maybe both. He's supposedly the cowardly lion, so maybe he finally has the chance to defend his children in a fight. And I think that maybe Yang and Ruby will save either their dad or uncle in Volume 4 or 5.

I think Volume 5 will focus on team STRQ. A little bit of them in Volume 4, but I think the finale will focus heavily on them for some reason.

A PM response to this on your thoughts will be wonderful!