Reviews for Harry Potter and the Rune Stone Path
muffdyvr chapter 13 . 7h
you should redo this and make it fem harry.
being an emo lil pussy would make more sence then.
muffdyvr chapter 7 . 11h
being a savant at runes is all well and good.
but, if your not good with a wand, you are a useless wizard or witch.. one trick pony!
Rickjames196 chapter 25 . 23h
Aww I wanted evil harry to take over, he wouldn't have let luna become tracy's rebound. After her lil fight with daph fk tracy, shoulda let voldy kill her ass. Should he be selling silver spirit I mean I get if he sells directly to the aurors, but if anyone can kill dementors can't you just waltz into azkaban, prison break style?
NPGamer11 chapter 3 . 7/20
Even if its in Harry's character to make runes for anything, I do feel a little bad for poor Cloak. Even if runes be better, it's an incredible magical artifact, and Harry treats it like a tool to improve.
KnowInsight chapter 29 . 7/19
Yup 'Harry's Little Army of Psychos' is a favorite of mine as well.
Rickjames196 chapter 22 . 7/19
bwhaha that ending for a minute I thought he'd turn into a chimera. Now he can join the avengers ;D
Rickjames196 chapter 20 . 7/19
Man that was the cutest he got luna a snorkack
DylanF99 chapter 8 . 7/18
It kills me that harry doesn’t just set up magical video cameras in the halls so they can record the basilisk :,(
Hehe chapter 50 . 7/11
mogu73 chapter 30 . 7/12
Really liking the story and up to this point the language barrier hasn't been an issue. That being said, it's very distracting to A)scroll to the end of the story to translate each bit of dialogue or read them "out of context" at the end of the chapter. Is it a problem to include each translation as it happens? Or simply use Italics or bold lettering to denote another language? As I said before I don't have any real criticisms of the story, It's just an annoyance. (to me anyway)
Captain Sporkle chapter 1 . 7/10
I'm assuming this was written by an American, as there is a small error here. in Britain, school doesn't work in grades. It works in years. Small nitpick but it's quite immersion breaking for one who lives in England.
EleanorThrush2897 chapter 31 . 7/10
You're not gonna kill Fred are you? Cause of Cedric and all?
EleanorThrush2897 chapter 30 . 7/10
Why does every Dumbledore bashing criticize chess? I mean, I know it's not good to not care about people and focus on checkmating in REAL LIFE, but why do people need to blame the game?
EleanorThrush2897 chapter 29 . 7/10
Come on, man! You're making Fred look like a wimp! Make him do something, huh?
indologist chapter 3 . 7/7
Technically, in Hindu mythology all gods have masculine and feminine aspects, and the feminine aspect of Shiva (short a) is called (among other names) Shiva (long a), so its probably fine.
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