Reviews for Proving Ground
Klenda chapter 1 . 6/30/2017
Very cute! I'd love to see a sequel!
Darkwalk12 chapter 1 . 4/28/2016
This was hilariously wonderful. My favorite part was Wheeljack and the floor is lava! And Jazz muttering in slang dialects. Thank you for writing awesome stories!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/18/2016
I do hope this is going to continue
Alana-kittychan chapter 1 . 4/20/2016
Love this so very much
Need2Scream chapter 1 . 4/18/2016
This was so funny! I can relate to Jazz's Work Mode because it's pretty close to what I do. I'm scared to think of what weird pizza I'd get if someone asked me what I wanted.
Love that last line. "Nobody did Jenga better than a combiner team."
I'm still laughing. You've got a lot of really great humor in here. I admit, I'm a bit jealous. I've never been able to write humor and you make it so effortless. It just flows and it works with the characters and situations. Great job!

Will there be a part 2? I'd love to know what Jazz does.
2211Nighthawk chapter 1 . 4/17/2016
Oh crap PLEASE continue! I have yet to find a fic where it's Prowl chasing Jazz. I love it!