Reviews for A Song of Ice, Fire and Lightning
Guest chapter 47 . 7/20
What happens with Daphne?
Guest chapter 47 . 7/20
Will Harry get back to Earth? I would like to see whats happening there at least. Is he going to abandon his relationship with Daphne?
Lone wolf aka Black Hawk Omega chapter 47 . 7/20
Great story so far!
Spidey-phd chapter 47 . 7/18
Another excellent action scene
Nice Egan chapter 47 . 7/17
I'm very curious to read the rest.
AscendedHumanity chapter 47 . 7/11
The hell si with this Druto guy in the comments just posting random shit every chapter?
AspiringWriterInWayOverHisHead chapter 25 . 7/10
I'm fairly certain there were honourable Frey in the books, Stevron Frey, for one, joined Robb and died for him in battle didn't he?
AspiringWriterInWayOverHisHead chapter 23 . 7/10
I've been meaning to say this but him getting poisoned by an arrow that immediatly pierced his hand makes no sense. Poison has to be dried on the arrowhead and then has to stay in the wound for a short while at least. You can't apply and shoot an arrow if the poison is still fresh because the velocity will just blast it all off into the shooters face. The fact that the arrow pierced his hand all the way to the middle of the shaft means the poison wouldn't have had time to moisten and enter his bloodstream.
Ar-Kaos chapter 47 . 7/10
first chapters are pretty dodgy to be honest, and despite his decent actions the Harry of those is pretty much a douchebag thanks to the arrogant as hell internal monolgues.

Still you do a damn good job of making the story around him interesting and finding some balance for his powers, along with enemies to challenge him.

I do kind of feel that perhaps there is a trap here of going from one most awesome mega enemy ever to the next most awesome ever and so forth without any foreshadowing or in story reasoning as to why that would be, which makes me wonder how much is plotted ahead.

And then you throw in the clearly very well plotted out encounters which removed one of Harry's strengths for a big fight to show that you do have a handle on things..

So yeah a little more proof that you are plotting out the mid encounters would be nice, but screw that if it makes you change anything else.

great fun story, thanks for sharing
AspiringWriterInWayOverHisHead chapter 19 . 7/10
ehhhh ... it's obvious that you derailed canon too much and were panicking on how to proceed thus starting THIS twist, which really wasn't on par with the rest of the story. Honestly, all of a sudden a coup? Not a takeover by subterfuge but honest to god rebellion? There's no way the rest of the nation is going to be OK with this, also highly unlikely they even got to the point of setting all of this up with how disgraced and out of power the Cunt Queen was. But it's your story I guess, you needed an excuse for Harry to leave Kings Landing and go across the Sea I guess.
Druto chapter 47 . 7/9
Druto chapter 46 . 7/9
Druto chapter 45 . 7/9
Druto chapter 44 . 7/9
Druto chapter 43 . 7/9
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