Reviews for A Week In The Life
rva98014 chapter 1 . 11/11/2016
An interesting story that left me with mixed feelings. On the one hand I love the interplay between Nick and Judy. Their conversations are lively and intelligent and I like how they fill out little details of their lives that fit "reality" (ie foxes not able to metabolize caffeine so Nick drinks catnip tea). On the other hand, I found the ending to be shocking in an unpleasant way.

(**spoiler talk follows**)

I understand that artistic license is taken in fan fics, but Stu's actions at the end are so extreme compared to his portrayal in the movie that it knocked me out of the story. To actually lie about the death of his wife and daughter. What on earth was he thinking? It's not as if that deception would have held up over time which makes it appear that he just wanted to really hurt Nick in the moment and temporarily keep him from coming to Bunnyburrow. It's so mean-spirited. It makes me wonder why he ever wanted to establish a business partnership with Gideon and I wonder how Gideon would feel if he knew Stu was willing to treat foxes that way.
Tr2085xo chapter 1 . 8/19/2016
You motherhumper! I cried... DON YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN!... or ill cry...
ThePeacer chapter 1 . 7/14/2016
Impressive. In fact, I'd say this is something to be proud of; the character development is top notch, as is the content. There are, however, two things I ought to mention: First, there is no need for this to be M rated. The darker themes and suggestive comments might constitute a T rating, but nothing more. I would definitely suggest lowering the rating, which will probably gain you more readers. Second, the ending is a bit rushed. The shock factor is okay, but not perfect, and seems a bit out of character for both Judy and Stu. It's nothing major, and you shouldn't worry about it too much, but if you ever feel the inclination I think a bit of editing might make the ending much more memorable (which would really be something, considering how memorable it is already). Keep up the good work!
Milkdud749 chapter 1 . 5/1/2016
johnnyv1986 chapter 1 . 4/22/2016
Good story!
guest chapter 1 . 4/19/2016
Good story.