Reviews for Meeting the Parents
HopelessRomantic183 chapter 1 . 4/26/2016
This was great, would love to see more! Are Jack and Elsa successful in keeping their child/children clueless to the existence of Jack's parents for a few years, forever (unfortunately for the young couple, thats doubtful), or even for just a few months? Will Jack and Elsa's poor minds ever recover from the horror they've witnessed (probably not), and will they eventually resort to filing a restraining order against Jack's parents on behalf of their poor, innocent, unsuspecting, unborn child/children? The answers to all these questions and more, I must know!

PS: Don't North and Thiana know of Elsa's pregnancy? She should have realized that not only have they "just lost [their] only son", but also, at least, their first grandchild, as well!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/22/2016
Haha the key was in his pants ! Do more please! I loved it!
Furiyan chapter 1 . 4/22/2016
I absolutely adore your one shot. This one was hilarious! Great job.