Reviews for A Spot of Tea
hiimian chapter 25 . 9/19/2018
Dang this was so epic, so well thought out.

I still don’t forgive Chloe and never will. What a cruel, jealous, spiteful royal bit- *camera feed cuts to technical difficulties screen*
I iz da Bibl chapter 8 . 6/5/2018
I don't think that the other Miraculous users can be akumatized, also they have to accept the akuma. Meaning she could have said no.
Bookwormbybee chapter 14 . 5/2/2018
Sonochu chapter 24 . 2/15/2018
Wait what?! There's no you can compare Adrien forgiving Chloe to Marinette forgiving Hawkmoth. For one, she didn't. It was stated several times that before she disappeared they hated each other bit had to keep up appearances. Marinette also had no choice, as was also stated. She was stuck in a stalemate in terms of the power struggle, and needed help getting a rogue miraculous, which then was the most important threat. In other words, Marinette HAD to work with Hawkmoth because Chat skirted his duties (whether he had a right to or not).

The part about Marinette only being against Chloe because she's scared for her social life is also horrible, and Adrien saying that makes it more so. Chloe tried to kill Marinette twice. Even in the second fight when Marinette was sent back in time, there's no way her other shots weren't trying to kill her. Just because you take the weapon away from the attempted murderer doesn't make them all sunshine and rainbows, especially since Marinette was still dealing with several of the issues caused by Chloe, like the fact that she didn't see her family for half a year.

I mean Chloe is an asshate in this. Sure she has problems,. Sure they may be worse than most people, but no amount of problems forgives attempted murder, and trying to say the victim of said attempted murder should forgive her so soon is both asinine and cruel to Marinette.

Ignoring how pissed off Adrien's comment made me, I loved this story overall and love the jnoqie perspectives it gives a lot of the characters. Following the plot got confusing at times but the originality of the story made it all worth it.
Sonochu chapter 22 . 2/15/2018
While I really like this story, there's two things bugging me about this chapter. First: What happened to the rule of limiting miraculous users in a certain area? Master Fu was purposely moved out of Paris for this very reason, yet when when miraculous holders meet in the same area to fight nothing happens? That's kind of breaking the earlier rule. Furthermore, why is Chloe so powerful? It doesn't make sense. She's not a perfect fit for her lwami. Ladybug and Chat Noir are. Yet she seems to pretty easily overpower them when they fought. That bring me to my second point. She was described as a sniper, meaning she excels at his and run, ambush style tactics, yet she here she is shown fighting two close range specialized miraculous users in close range, which she should suck at her. This is only compounded by the fact that everyone has at least a year more expereicning fighting, and fighting other miraculous users at that.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/4/2017
Portfolio is a freaking pervert
LostLittleMiss chapter 25 . 5/4/2017
This was so cute I'm so sad that it's over (TT) it was so cute! And oh em gee mama and papa agreste did the do, (・Д・)

Although, I have no idea why came as a surprise to me, seeing they had to get bizzay for Adrien to happen. Lol, but Marinette become matchmaker is awesome, if she doesn't make it as a fashion designer, she could totally make a business being Cupid lol
Keith Halfa chapter 1 . 4/17/2017
pandaqueen818283 chapter 25 . 3/31/2017
...mostly because of how easily adrien seems to be moving on with chloe. you could keep on and tell of how things go with master Fu or what Celine decides to do (stay or go back to germany) . jeez If marionette is heartbroken and depressed and angry you could go in so many different angles. she could have a temporary break from adrien, ban interaction with Chloe, leave the country and go undercover for a bit to deal with her issues for a while , or have a full blow meltdown of anger and betrayal- maybe become the embodiment of badluck... she was chat noir once so she has the potential for darkness. Anyways... great story, disappointing ending. mostly because of Chloe
pandaqueen818283 chapter 25 . 3/31/2017
I enjoyed the story, but you gave up the chance for a final story arc or sequel. The hurt and anguish that marionette feels from her continued persecution be first hawkmoth and then Chloe should have left her with hesitation and anger towards adrien. mostly
thecatslady chapter 19 . 1/7/2017
Me - :'(
GhostlyButterfly chapter 25 . 10/8/2016
Hi! I just finished reading your fic and it's FANTASTIC! I absolutely adored Gabriel and Marinette's brother/sister relationship in the 90s and later carried over when she came back to the present. Honestly, I was so attacked by feels with how much 90sGabriel missed Marinette when she returned to her own time that I had to pause for a minute to brace my soul for more xD. I really would love to see more of that interaction.

This last chapter did leave me with one question: is Celine going to stay or go back to Germany? If she does stay and with 5/6 (since Fu is heading back to Paris, right?) active miraculouses in Paris, is their life just battling those monsters that crop up as a result of that?
Undertheskys chapter 25 . 9/21/2016
Good story... But the ending definitely could use a lot of work
Undertheskys chapter 24 . 9/21/2016
Urrrrgghhh Nooo Why'd he give the comb back to Chloe! I just dont like Chloe, i mean she hasnt shown any reason why she deserves the miraculous
Undertheskys chapter 24 . 9/21/2016
Madame Peacock and Hawk Moth parenting skills hehehe poor poor Chat grounded
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