Reviews for Come Together
Quar chapter 20 . 12/2/2019
Oh gosh I can't stop reading. Past 1 in the morning and I'm like 'one more chapter.'
Breelovessvu chapter 1 . 4/11/2017
Noah at this age reminds me of my Godson, so adorable.
I can do without the Vanilla Wafers. They shouldn't even sell those cookies on the shelves at the store. LOL
It's awesome how kids can makes us feel 1,000 better than we do when we walk in the door.
That has to be an awesome feeling, to be so down out and get that HUG. Hugs are everything.! I love Hugs! And, to hear that he will fix it, whatever it is, man oh man... (I can't with the feels) and he dried her tears with his fingers.
He said tell me what you need and she said I need you(ahhhhh!) This is so good.
I picked a perfect day to read this again.
I love how Liv needed him and she allows Ed to see that vulnerability. I love even more how she wanted him to go home and he didn't.
SparkleMouse chapter 38 . 1/16/2017
DONE. Ugh, I loved this. I can't wait to read the other ones (That's the kissy face. I figure it might not show up.)
SparkleMouse chapter 35 . 1/16/2017
I call him Uncle Munchie, too! And I love that Noah does, just like Elliot's kids did. Plus, Jewish food is the BEST medicine. Nothing beats it.

I know someone named Josh Miller. So that's fun. And your court talk sounded so good! I'm impressed.
SparkleMouse chapter 34 . 1/16/2017
TREVORRRRRR. My favorite.

So, on one hand, I'm really heartbroken for Tucker. Because he's just so sad and needs a hug. On the other, I truly wish we could see this. (Except now, fuck You show.) I love his vulnerability, his pain. Wahhhhh. I didn't mean to get so invested!
SparkleMouse chapter 31 . 1/15/2017
LOL Noah's no thank you to taking a bath. That made me laugh so hard. Enjoy it, kid. And naps. Also man, Ed whittling some wood. Hot.
SparkleMouse chapter 30 . 1/15/2017
Noah and Charlie. Be still my heart. I love their bond so much. And just how easily this family has come together. Through tragedy, yes, but supporting so easy. 3
SparkleMouse chapter 28 . 1/15/2017
We all need an Olivia in our lives. Also, I'm supposed to be getting up and getting ready and I'm like Nahhhhhh one more chapter. I feel like this would make a really interesting book. How a new makeshift family deals with the really hard things in life.
SparkleMouse chapter 26 . 1/14/2017
I'm so mad when I have to sleep and do other things because I want to keep reading. I love seeing them all navigate this together and just Ed as a dad. WHY DID WE NEVER GET TO SEE HIM AS A DAD LIKE THIS. Whatever. Emotions. Gross. Love this though.
SparkleMouse chapter 19 . 1/13/2017
I should probably sleep, but comments first. 1) Angry, papa bear Tucker really does it for me. How devoted he is to his family. Not to get all depressing, but I'm so sad we never found out more about him. I like to think he does have a daughte or two or three out there. 2) I loved Olivia's bond with Charlie. It's so heartwarming.
SparkleMouse chapter 13 . 1/13/2017
I don't know how to explain this, but sometimes when I read something emotional - especially at night - my hands get a shot of tingles. It's weird. I don't know. But Noah being so protective and loving and his relationship and comfort to Charlie made me all tingly. Good tingles.
SparkleMouse chapter 12 . 1/13/2017
My baby. Heartbreaking, but I'm so glad she has Liv and Tucker with her. But also lol to Noah dressed like Carisi. Also gonna need to see that.

Sorry these reviews are lame. I just wanna keep reading.
SparkleMouse chapter 10 . 1/13/2017
It was a selfie she took of her and her dad at the park earlier that week. He was kissing her cheek and she was smiling. - OMG I am obsessed with this picture and need to see it immediately. But like I can be in Charlie's spot, cause fuck her. (JK I love her so much, I'm so glad I have so many stories and chapters to come.)
SparkleMouse chapter 9 . 1/13/2017
MY CHARLIE. I'm so glad I don't have to wait for the next chapter.
SparkleMouse chapter 7 . 1/13/2017
I took a break from work reading

As if the color of the cup made it any more classy to sneak drinks into a park. - This made me laugh. Because I always have blue solo cups with wine at Central Park and I'm like No, no it's fine. It's blue. So, they feel me.

I'm loving this! Can't wait to curl up with more later.
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