Reviews for After the Rain
CloudCarnivore chapter 47 . 7/18
Maan this is so good I can’t wait for more
Guest chapter 47 . 6/25
It was a good chapter it all came together brilliantly I didn't see it coming at all nice twist at the end as well as wonderful character building you didn't Mary sue Naruto character development was realistic/believable to an extreme I'll definitely be coming back to read the next chapter have a good one
hikaru y-432 chapter 1 . 6/25
Is there a chance you'll be continuing this story? I rly wanna see what happens next.
KarmaKitten chapter 47 . 6/23
Great story! Please update
Brieblue chapter 28 . 6/19
I usually log into my account to write review but I felt lazy.


Now I usually love a fanfic filled with a little bit of angst, but sometimes there can be way to much added just for the sake of it. This fanfic has great writing and captivating characterisation BUT the last straw was Kushina. Ebisu? Fine whatever. Shibi? Shit you have balls to kill of a major character. Iruka? FUCK NO, but I still will read it cause it’s captivating but KUSHINA? I’m out. It’s a shame cause this story is wonderful.
Cristina2001 chapter 47 . 6/12
Wow, fue fantástico. Honestamente quiero ver el desarrollo de la pareja de Shisui y Naruto, es hermoso. En especial las reuniones de Naruto con sus amigos en forma chibi.

Ah cierto tengo unas dudas:

¿Es posible que el Edo Tensei de Itachi pueda comunicarse con Naruto en este universo paralelo, o tal vez pueda traer a Sasuke a esta dimensión por medio de su invocación invertida o algo así?

Lo digo por el cuervo (con el ojo de Shisui, por cierto) que Na
Yumichi Leyna chapter 47 . 6/4
Thank you for this Master piece Author-san, i'm now a biggest fan of this i hope you update soon and we'll wait for it. thank you, thank you so much pls stay safe and healthy, God bless you.
itsfluffee chapter 47 . 5/23
This story is fantastic , thank you for writing it. I hope it continues.
Amaterasu53 chapter 37 . 5/23
You are just great at writing fight scenes! And your storyline is so terrific and original - keep up the great work!
dokkenmartin chapter 1 . 5/23
A master piece.
Thats all I need to say.
StefAnnie chapter 47 . 5/10
Please update. I beg you
gernalesophiabeatriz chapter 47 . 5/3
Damn this story is amazing. Wonder when will you update?
OriyArt chapter 1 . 4/27
pls continue pls!
LordLewsTherin chapter 47 . 4/27
Thanks for this story it has been incredibly interesting, and I think you do a great job writing the characters. I hope to read more from you in the future.
ILoveBagels chapter 47 . 4/18
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