Reviews for Strength to Look Up To
writingisrelaxing chapter 1 . 6/4/2017
Hahaha "need a ride so I can beat you up later? " XD this reminds me of when people are suddenly friendly for no reason in Team Fortress 2 haha. Lol this is one of the most legit WoY fanfics I've read yet! Gotta love the relationship these two have! And the way Sylvia described Wander's strenght... Wow. Couldn't have said it better. Some people will say that's not real strenght, but we know it's in fact the most important one. It's strenght of mind. It's the ability to see what REALLY matters and to be brave enough to follow a path no one else seem to understand. To open up your heart and not give up no matter how many blows it takes. That's, real strenght.
Emmo13 chapter 1 . 5/5/2016
This was so good! I love the various dynamics between characters in the show. Peepers and Sylvia's dynamic is especially interesting to me. I like how you showed the parallels between them and their idiots. All in all, A story. :)
BitterKnitter chapter 1 . 5/5/2016
This is one of the best stories I have ever read on this site. Hitchhikers guide just lends itself to the woy universe so well!

You captured these guys so well, and the watchdogs just interacting with the skull ship were my favourite bits. This was just fantastic stuff, and I hope you post another story soon!