Reviews for Red
Lady Kaname Kuran chapter 1 . 1/10/2019
I really enjoyed reading a darker rendition of Tomoe's kitsune urges; I think we often romanticise that part of him too much. Thanks for sharing!
AM78 chapter 1 . 9/9/2018
Wow this was really impressive. You nailed past-Tomoe's inner thoughts perfectly. I think this totally lined up with how he is depicted in the anime. I can't imagine anyone writing it better. And all with a very intense and well written lemon scene to go along with it. Overall a job very well done. Don't feel hesitant about writing any more dark fics, because you clearly can handle it just fine.

One minor thing I'm sure no one on earth noticed but me: The first line where it talks about his "partner in crime" swinging a bat or sword. I assume you mean Akura. I don't recall him using a weapon in the anime. Maybe that was in the manga. Either way, if it was, then I assume the "bat" you are referring to is probably a Kanabō. So that might be the proper term.
Philliwolf5 chapter 1 . 5/17/2016
Oh wow, you captured it perfectly. This is just how I imagined Tomoe being after letting Nanami go. Just perfect! Well done! I hope so much that you write more!
breatheincontagiousxx chapter 1 . 5/9/2016
SO good, you should definitely explore more of this part of tomoe.
VegetaBulma Fan chapter 1 . 5/5/2016
I liked it...I kind of wish that you would write more stories about the Tomoe from 500 years ago or him in his yokai form.
Myahle chapter 1 . 5/5/2016
OH MY GOODNESS. This is perfect. First of all, THANK YOU for being the only author to explore this side of Tomoe and Nanami's relationship. That is one of my biggest complaints in the fandom; everyone seems to gloss over the fact that Tomoe (and Akura-ou) were NOT the way they are in the present era. Tomoe's feelings for Nanami were anything but romantic - more along the lines of obsession and lust, yet a lot of anime viewers (who haven't read the manga) romanticize him. I love that Tomoe has a darker side to him; it allows him to have more depth and it makes his change have a more profound impact.

For that reason, I LOVE the direction you took for this. It was not only erotic, but also deliciously dark. Your characterization was spot-on and I love the analysis of the color red throughout the narrative.

AND TOMOE'S DOMINANCE - *fans face* ;)

This was honestly perfect! Wonderful one-shot. I would love to see more dark fics from you.