Reviews for The Stargate Initiative: REVISED EDITION
Guest chapter 1 . 7/14
This story was getting good hoping it continues
Chloe chapter 36 . 6/17
Miss this story
Guest chapter 3 . 6/17
Hey I just started reading your story and I'm only a couple chapters in but im hooked. The fact that you chose the 517th prct from mw2 is amazing. My grandpa was in the 517th and it's rare for me to hear anyone bring them up. I got chills reading their acceptance to fight that you wrote. I can't wait to read the rest! Keep up the work. Go battling buzzards!
Oliver chapter 36 . 6/13
Please Sir, I want some more
Guest chapter 1 . 6/6
Such a good story
Guest chapter 36 . 5/27
Please update soon
Chloe chapter 36 . 5/17
You could also have Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen travelling an Einstein-Rosen Bridge (Wormhole)
Chloe chapter 1 . 5/14
Just a thought, with everything that has happened in this story, wouldnt the military have a much higher demand for powerful rockets leading to Wernher von Braun and his team being brought through the Stargate and developing rocket/missile technology off-world as well as the militaries further development of nuclear weapons when soviet spies cant see the development
Guest chapter 36 . 5/14
please update soon
Guest chapter 36 . 5/6
Looking forward to the next chapter
Neeros chapter 36 . 5/1
Fantastic story so far! I really look forward to reading the conclusion.
Hi-Fionn chapter 36 . 4/28
Wasn’t expecting that at all.
chloe chapter 36 . 4/21
Good chapter
CCSakuraforever chapter 36 . 4/21
Esta muy bueno el capítulo que paso con el encuentro con setesh que quiere para ayudarlos que paso con el encuentro de samuel con ellos y que tecnología pueden conseguir ahí que sera muy bueno para la expedición conseguir la nave gould adelanta mucho algunas cosas
Eagles11 chapter 36 . 4/21
I forgot about Setesh, but I think they're playing with fire cutting deals with Goa'uld warlords like him. Since they're going after a stash along the east coast, if he pulls a fast one they could always threaten to lock him in the same room as Osirus. I understand they some unfinished business involving a failed power play against Ra.

Now that Area 51 is official, they now have all their eggs in one basket. Three Jumpers (One for reference), a few Death Gliders, and crashed Asgard ship. That'll keep them busy awhile.

Given the timeline of story, will the outbreak and events of the Korean War be problematic for the Stargate Program and other Offworld operations?

This was good chapter.
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