Reviews for Where Loyalties Lie
Sapphire12985 chapter 9 . 7/26
I love this story so much and I’m honestly so sad that you never continued or finished it. I just thought you should know I love your writing style and the whole picture you painted with your literature and wish I could’ve seen it to the end. Thank you for what you have done so far though.
Amaterasu53 chapter 9 . 7/1
Awe - this last chapter is so good! And I love your characters. Good writing; hoping you'll update!
ElementalStar2019 chapter 9 . 12/1/2019
So its been two years since an update so I don't think you plan to update again, but despite that what has been written is just... amazing. I love all the characters and I love what you did with the story line. I like that Naruto is doing sealing and Shikamaru is already a little in love with her. I'm glad I read and will follow this story just in case! Happy holidays.
Guest chapter 9 . 5/1/2019
Please continue!
lauravenclaw chapter 9 . 1/19/2019
This is one of the greatest fics I've ever read! I love any kind of ShikaNaru (and there aren't enough fics about them, I swear!) and I love how you write Naruto's interactions with Kakashi and Hiruzen. I love how Kakashi gets to finally be the big brother he so wants to be for Naruto and, since I love Iruka, I really like how he's redeeming himself. And I also love how you included the whole Nara family (Shikaku is just so awesome!); Naruto really needs more people in her corner (:

I'm really sad that there are no more chapters, but this is still a great fic (any chance of it continuing?) (:
LunaOlcaRaca chapter 9 . 7/23/2018
Thank God I saw your fanfic. I love the fact that Kakashi actually cares about Naruto here, and Shikamaru's reactions in regards to Naruto are so precious. I'm honestly more of a ShikaNaru rather than a SasuNaru fanatic, and I really like your writing. Keep up the good work and I hope to hear from you soon!
Forgottenwulfe chapter 1 . 4/21/2018
this is so cute
feathered-equine chapter 9 . 4/4/2018
This has been a joy to read, I know it's been a while, but I do hope that you'll return to this some day. Thank you for the good chapter! 3
MaruOne chapter 1 . 2/1/2018
Vadena chapter 9 . 11/16/2017
Please, please, please. Update soon, this fix keeps me going as I eat ice cream binge watching Netflix at midnight. Please!
AlyssaOtaku69 chapter 9 . 9/10/2017
I thought it was awesomely pleasant to read this story so far. I have a question did Iruka not know Kakashi was the Anbu that was in the Hokage office with the killer intent? It confused me when Iruka spoke about if Kakashi knew or not about Naruto.
Princess Hinashi chapter 9 . 9/6/2017
please update soon.. thanks
xxIt'sAllAboutThemxx chapter 9 . 8/26/2017
Okay I love your story , and really , mini Shika and Naruto are too cute . I really like the fact that you justified why Kakashi wasn't here for her at first , but now are "together" like friends . Can't wait for the next update . Keep it up ! ( sorry I'm not really good at commenting )
dbzfan the first chapter 9 . 7/27/2017
nice hope the next will be up soon
Merlenyn chapter 9 . 7/22/2017
Woo story! So, that was pretty crazy so far. I love how Kakashi is practically rabid when it comes to Naruto and protecting her... I do wonder what his "punishment" will be for killing Mizuki? Maybe making him retire from ANBU and stuff? Hmm...

Also woo for Shikamaru paying attention to Naruto and noticing things. And he apparently has a crush on her even if he doesn't know it yet... heh though maybe he sorta knows when he was asking about how his dad met and became friends with his mother... XD

Looking forward to seeing what happens next though! Now that she's been saved and has whisker marks and can talk to Kurama. And has a friend! Woo friend! :D
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