Reviews for Old Lies and New Lives
PagesofAngels chapter 1 . 8/8/2017
Although I can appreciate the fluff in here, to me, this feels a bit too unfair to Raoul's character. I understand in this fic, Christine only ever saw Raoul is a friend, but I don't think - even if that was the case - she would ever see him as arrogant or bad around the ladies. Even if he were nothing but a friend, I don't see Christine as someone who would think so poorly of one she considered her best friend. I am glad you refrained from making him a villain in this - that is ALWAYS a plus in E/C fics - but I still feel his character was a bit dragged in the dirt.
Valkyrievampire888 chapter 1 . 10/18/2016
I really liked this, and I loved the interactions between Erik and Christine6.
Phanma chapter 1 . 7/25/2016
I really liked this. I love the note that Erik left.
Phantomswoman chapter 1 . 5/17/2016
This was brilliant, I wish that the ALW play had had the Daroga in, he is such a great character.