Reviews for Juxtaposition
TheBeautyInTheDarkness chapter 1 . 10/12/2017
I fucking swear to you if you ever give up this story I am going to kill myself. I absolutely need more of your writing in my life.
Bitter Sweet Lovin chapter 2 . 7/28/2017
I don't care how long it takes just please tell me you're going to update this. I honestly love long story's that take time to build. I am so in love with this story. It's amazing that a human being could right such a fantastic story. I think I love you.
Noxaura Cille chapter 2 . 2/27/2017
This is so delightfully wonderful! ~Nox
SuzukiChiyeko chapter 2 . 9/6/2016
Ah, I love slow romance fics too, but I'm not good at writing them myself xD I'm glad that Akihiko changed his mind about Misaki a little bit. I should've known it was Aikawa who's behind that card, that sneaky woman.
Did Misaki just have perverted thoughts about Akihiko? Now that is interesting ;)
This chapter started off cold, but it became more cheerful towards the end. I'm happy about that. If Akihiko was going to keep hating Misaki for another 10 chapters, that would have been really depressing.
Thanks foe the update!
zentraedi chapter 2 . 8/7/2016
Really liked the story as it's developing, Excellent 2 chapters, hope you continue it!
DychiMel36 chapter 2 . 7/30/2016
My God you are amazing.
I cried like crazy and if you can make people cry with stories you're either an amazing writer or you have personal experience.
cutieass chapter 2 . 7/11/2016
"i know I don't deserve to be here, to be alive... i just get by.." my heart died at this T.T
i cried river reading this chap, fortunately it get better and happy at the end of this chap*sigh* ooh my poor heart..
deleted2020 chapter 2 . 7/8/2016
I'm surprised that I'm saying this, but I really like Akihiko in this story; specifically because he's such a jerk to Misaki at the start. I hate that he's so mean to him, but at the same time I can understand why he'd be so bitter and blame Misaki for what happened, especially since Misaki has (in a way) taken the heart that Akihiko loved so much. It really makes Akihiko feel more layered and interesting. You've got Misaki's character down really well, too, trying so hard to smile even at the most painful of times.
I like this version of the two of them meeting- it was sad and funny and sweet all at the same time. I hope that soon they will start to realise their true feelings and help each other to heal.
Thank you for updating- can't wait for the next chapter! :)
Guest chapter 2 . 7/8/2016
This is soooo good! Finally a fanfic that doesn't have Misaki and Akihiko making out when they just met! Please write more :D
Guest chapter 2 . 7/8/2016
Oh my god! I was waiting for you to update this story for so long and when I saw it I was like " YES! FINALLY!" I know that this is going to be one if the best stories ever. Please update soon.
sakura121 chapter 2 . 7/7/2016
Wow...I just cried !. That was amazing.
Sasuke-is-Badass chapter 2 . 7/6/2016
Oh wow. I felt so bad for Misaki when Akihiko was being an ass to him! But then he ended up liking Misaki! HAHAHAHA! Misaki is too cute! :)
Guest chapter 1 . 6/3/2016
WOW! Love the story. It's amazing. I wonder... is Akihiko going to meet Misaki While he's smiling and pretending to be happy? If he dose find him like that I hope he's not going to make a scene and say or do bad things to poor Misaki. Please update soon. I just can't wait for the next chapter.
SuzukiChiyeko chapter 1 . 6/2/2016
It makes me really sad that Takahiro has died in this fic, but the fact that he gave up his heart for Misaki is so...I don't want to say 'heartwarming', because that would sound like a bad pun. Yet, that's the best word to describe it, I guess. I'm wondering why all of that happened, though.
As for Akihiko, it must be really hard for him. Even so, I'm not sure if he should resent Misaki; I don't have enough information about the 'accident' yet.
This is another interesting fic, although I do hope that things will become more cheerful at some point.
Thanks for writing!
Fangirl18 chapter 1 . 5/23/2016
I love story just sad i can't read how Akihiko reacts to meeting Misaki.
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