Reviews for Daria Dinkley
Dark Kuno chapter 1 . 2/27/2017
This work was selected for the following categories in the Written Works segment of the 2016 Daria Fanworks Awards (aka "the Booties").
- Favorite Crossover (Nominee)

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jh831 chapter 1 . 11/1/2016
this looks great, keep going
ADDAMSFAMILYTREE chapter 1 . 9/19/2016
So, Scooby Doo meets Daria? GROOVY! FAR OUT! Besides, Velma's best off wed to Fred, to say the least. LOL! Now, all one needs is to experience a "MARY TYLER MOORE"/ "DARIA" crossover?
RenTenTen chapter 1 . 6/2/2016
Awww. And for every writer, there IS a reader. (me!)