Reviews for First and Goal
Andros Reader chapter 1 . 6/22
I love this story!
clarkham.326 chapter 1 . 5/29
wow, u are such a great writer. hopefully u see this bc I love all ur writings and need a follow up to what happened to the man Quincy. and what about the baby?! hope ur ok in quarantine girl
brazielh chapter 7 . 4/17
Can you please update.
SPM98 chapter 7 . 4/16
Pls pls pls come back. This is such good writing and I wanna know what happens to that snake Quincy. Pls come back
Guest chapter 7 . 4/2
I miss your writing and this story like craaaaazy! Hope you're well, and staying well through all this quarantine stuff. And that you find the inspiration to come back. If not, thanks for all you've written because I reread everything alllllllll the time, especially the prequel to this jam!
dafney64 chapter 7 . 1/29
Was just re-reading both your story's. You are such a great story teller. I hope you find time to continue this story. You know how much we football fan are going to be in hell until the next season starts. Please give us some hope with this story!
Guest chapter 7 . 12/31/2019
Are we ever ever ever going to get with Olivia giving birth to this girl? What a wait it has been...
As I continue to hang on to a glimmer of hope that 2020 will see new inspiration hit you and that you finish this story. I'd have given up by now if it wasn't such a beautifully written story.
Guest chapter 7 . 10/9/2019
Gosh I wish you would come back to this story if only to give us closure with the Quincy drama. Everybody knows Liv adores her husband but she was dead wrong for entertaining Quincy. Why can’t this girl move on from past hurts and be completely happy with the wonderful life she has? My point is, who cares if Quincy is sorry...Fuck Quincy and his apology. Assuming Liv is early thirties, HS was more that a decade ago, and who’s still reeling over some kiddie shit that happened in HS when you’re grown AF and married with a baby on the way? Why hadn’t Quincy tried to contact her before now? Why wait until she’s married, pregnant, and living her dream, to slither out and make his presence known? Quincy is jealous and he’s still a cheater. He might regret what he did long ago, but stepping to someone’s wife is not cool.

Please update
SarahWalka1814 chapter 7 . 10/2/2019
SarahWalka1814 chapter 3 . 9/30/2019
O M G! Yay Liv! everything is finally start to fall into place.
Guest chapter 7 . 7/25/2019
I am hoping you will update this story soon, please!
olitzalltheway chapter 7 . 6/3/2019
I hope you will continue this story there is so much left to write!
Dymondmv chapter 7 . 5/13/2019
Please some back to this story
Guest chapter 7 . 5/7/2019
Almost a year later and we are patiently waiting for an update...hopefully one day you'll remember us and post something.
Ofanforever chapter 1 . 4/23/2019
I absolutely love this story! I know you have a life outside of writing, but please finish this story. You’re a great author!
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