Reviews for Fleet of a Thousand Ships
CyrusTheIceWing chapter 5 . 12/30/2017
You still continuing this? I like them all, you have done a really good job on them all!
If you ARE continuing this, you should do OlympicShipping (Proton and Petrel) A prompt? Hmmm... talking about Koffings and slowpoke tails.
Zum1UDontNo chapter 5 . 6/27/2016
Would you be willing to try a Pokémon x Pokémon ship? If so, how about Lagomorphshipping? (Pikachu x Buneary, if you didn't know.) Prompt: "You'd be great for contests, you know."
seeldewgong chapter 4 . 5/31/2016
How about ShalourShipping? Ash and Korrina.

With the prompt: Korrina wants to travel with Ash through Kalos.
Anonymous chapter 2 . 5/29/2016
Are you doing manga ships? If so...
Franticshipping (Ruby and Sapphire)
Prompt: Tickling war.
TheSpookster chapter 1 . 5/28/2016
sacred shipping I'm on the phone right now I love you too plz I love you again hi Matt also sacredshipping
MadDogLucario96 chapter 1 . 5/28/2016
Curtainshipping (Reggie/Maylene) and the prompt is 'she's Yoko Ono in disguise'
IcyKali chapter 4 . 5/28/2016
AlphaFemaleShipping is a great thing to ship. You'll be suffering with lots of others with that OTP! XD You wrote Courtney especially well-including those dumb comments she makes that make everyone suspect she's a robot. I also think that using the trope of "character tries to become the ideal person for their love interest, but their love interest love them for who they are" works very well with these characters, especially since Courtney hides an unstable part of herself in ORAS.

And IkebanaShipping! Yay! I was really surprised that the rumor was that Jasmine abused her pokemon... I was kind of disappointed that the reason it got started never came up. Is it just because people assumed that a quiet person who uses strong pokemon has something to hide? Also, you said that this was an angsty one-shot, but it actually seems very sweet (well, other than Jasmine getting hurt, but Erika helped her right away). Anyway, other than the rumor not being explained, I loved this one too! You nailed the characterization yet again.
Guest chapter 4 . 5/27/2016
Can you do amourshipping (Serena and Ash) and fondantshipping (Serena and Miette)?
The Mocking J chapter 2 . 5/27/2016
I really enjoyed both stories, especially the May/Brendan one. It was also nice to see a fairly rare ship like Saturn/Mars :)
IcyKali chapter 1 . 5/21/2016
Are same-sex ships allowed? If so, I want to request Ikebanashipping (ErikaxJasmine) with the prompt "heard it on the grape vine." Also, are you allowed to request more than one? I really liked the first chapters of this story (especially the second chapter, which I thought was a creative use of the prompt), and I can think of two things I want to request.