Reviews for Uncompromising Principles
Guest chapter 15 . 11/13/2018
Alright you just don't get these characters. Like AT ALL.
CharmingButIrrational chapter 1 . 8/28/2018
Ridiculous premise. And reading the reviews makes it clear that I was right in thinking you don't have the skills or the objectivity to not bash characters or make them ooc.
Rec chapter 1 . 6/1/2018
This fic is just ... awful! I'm appalled that this is what you expect to happen to people like Steve... The utter bias of this fic, wow, thank god those great characters aren't written by people like you in comics or movies. OOC at its worse. No one would believe every single of your arguments here, also you definitely should have made some research on law because that trial would have never happen like that
TheGirlWithFarTooManyIdeas chapter 8 . 5/5/2018
The bias against Wanda and Steve is incredibly distracting. I thought it was interesting at first to start off with Tony dying, but as I read I realized that it stacked the deck in a crazy way - you have to argue against a martyr, and a Judas will never, ever be given any weight.

As for Wanda...I understand her coming across as less sympathetic in Age of Ultron - extensive time cuts (two hours were cut from that movie) are probably to blame for her and Quicksilver coming across as thoughtless. However...this story completely skates over her sadness and guilt over the incident in Lagos, which she had absolutely no choice in. What should she have done? Not levitated that bomb? Then everyone in the square would have died. She shows grief and regret throughout the civil war movie, but this story doesn't recognize that at all. Hell, in Age of Ultron where her characterization was the weakest, she acknowledged her role in the chaos near the end and Clint had to talk her out of a guilt stricken panic attack. This story completely ignores all of that in order to make her a villain. At this point I won't be surprised if she's blamed for Clint's anger issues, the airport fight, and global warming. It completely takes me out of what otherwise would be a very interesting narrative.

And I do find some value in this narrative. I'm strictly anti-accords. Not just because the World Security Council threw a nuke at New York - which would have killed tens of thousands of their own civilians, irradiated the land for a generation, poison the people who survived, and wouldn't have done a damn thing to stop the portal - and no one spoke up about that or even acknowledged it. Not just because HYDRA being inside the World Peacekeeping Force that was SHIELD (could such a thing REALLY not exist without the UN's given approval? I seriously doubt it.) and effectively created the fear-mongering modern world and caused who knew how many deaths. But because Secretary Ross was on the panel.

Now let me elaborate just a bit, because that's been talked about in story...Secretary Ross had to be *appointed*. Now. Preforming actions without oversight and sanction...massive damage to civilian city and property...oh yeah, that was the Harlem incident, where Ross created the Abomination, promptly lost control of it, and it destroyed a number of people's lives before a *future* Avenger shut it down. Essentially, exactly what Tony did with Ultron. Now, is HE on the list of people who need to be monitored? Of course not, he's given MORE superhuman toys to play with without any irony whatsoever. There's NO WAY in hell that the Harlem incident went unknown by the people who appointed him to his position. My only sense of their reasoning for that? "Well, if it was a LEGITIMATE military, then it's not vigilantism, it's a failed operation, so its not as important." ...Which does not give me any confidence at all.

With all that said, I was pretty surprised and curious when reading this story. I was following the logic, and I made some sense. In the comics, Super Hero registration is just an extension of Mutant Registration, which is regularly one step away from concentration camps, enslavement by the military, and in the comics Maria Hill tried to arrest Cap at gunpoint before the Act was even made official. And since Marvel Citizens in the comics have a long, proud history of being ungrateful cows, that's about what I figured the Accords were. You paint a much less...well, fascist, version of the accords. (In other words, something that actually deserves to exist). I still have a strong sense that there are holes in the document that trains could be driven through, and the fact that superpowered people have to register for existing gives me bad flags, but I'm actually receptive to what the story is trying to sell.

I applaud you for this. Really. I thought that there was no world in which the Accords existed that wasn't a spawn of unbelievably ungrateful opportunists who tell superpowered individuals that they have to be attack dogs in exchange for having the right to a) exist and b) try to save the people doing this to them. Your writing was strong enough that I find some potential in the Accords described here.

But I can't get over how you treat Wanda and Steve. There's no debate here. The characters are vilified by everyone with a speaking roll, their arguments are dismissed without being truly addressed or treated as having any value or even being worth thinking about. (Again, because Tony died). And with Wanda, she's completely flattened from a grief stricken girl trying to be a better human being into a petulant, unhinged danger to society.

(There's also the way Bucky was treated...he was *brainwashed*. None of the things he did were under his own free will, yet death squads were sent after him with shoot to kill. because of a single blurry picture. They would have executed him if he was caught. Apparently Duress laws don't exist.)
Guest chapter 1 . 5/1/2018
I think you're also missing the part where Steve was going to sign till Tony opened his big mouth about Wanda. Sorry to inconvenience your blatant hate fic. Moron.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/1/2018
O.k. someone biased here. Dragging someone into this? THEY CHOOSE to be there with when they all thought there was a greater threat, some aware of the consequences and still willing to do it.
Steve already admitted he made a mistake in not telling the truth to Tony.
And not listening to what people want? You didn't see the part where Tony doing that when he decided to blinding agree to these accords and expected everyone to fall in line? Jesus
ElnaKernor chapter 19 . 1/26/2018
Okay, so... Bear in mind that I don't often review, so if I'm doing it now it's because I consider it imortant in a way.

First of all I want to say that while I don't like characters dying ( permanently or not ) I totally understand the need to do something drastic and shove the potential results into the other characters' face once in a while. In fact, I've often wanted to do several fics on the matter, but I usually refrain because I'm also a sucker for happy-ish endings, and some things just can't be made right, no matter if it isn't really anyone's fault or if they're all willing to give it a try.
(The "can't make everything good" thing is actually something I'm very adamant about )
The only fics on the matter I've started are a SPN John Winchester-centric fic, and a Sirius Black-centric fic, for obvious reasons.

That being said, here is what I really appreciate about your story:

1) I don't agree with some nuances in the various characterizations, but you made it work. You used what was canon, and made do with what was never given to us ( in-between the movies, the unspoken thoughts of the characters ) by extrapolating in a way that actually works and doesn't disregard part of the canon because-people-can't-be-bothered-to-take-into-account-what-discredits-their own point of view on the matter.
( Do you have any idea how many fics I've dropped because of the blatant disregard of canon, the author all the while pretending it's absolutely canon-compliant when it obviously isn't? )

2) Even if you probably took a stance at some point on who was right and about what exactly, you didn't let it sip through. Rhodes is right on a number of things, for example, but you never forgot to point out, via other characters, that as Tony's best friend he's more than probably biased against Steve. Same thing for Pepper. About the Accords themselves, you le everyone have a say, rather than just bash the ones you didn't agree with. Even the ones in the "right" can't just say it's as "simple" as they could make it sound.
( About Foggy's attitude in s01 of Daredevil, I still can't forgive his comment about how you shouldn't be putting on a mask if you're obviously in the right. That's the kind of thing you can only say as long as no one targeted you because you're a known associate of the people who wear that mask )

3) You didn't make the public opinion something purely rational and totally understanding and thus allowed to be uncompromising. They are prejudiced, they are willing to complain when things don't turn the way they'd want, but they're suddenly very glad when someone sacrifices their life for them even if it's not in a law-abidding way. It's terribly important to me that the world isn't depicted as fair and perfect, with only the "heroes" being flawed and such.

4) I'm French, and my parents weren't even born during WWII, but I still know a bit about it, considering that the Collaboration ( and the colonial crimes, but that's neither here nor there ) is something we really accentuate in history class. Not far from where I live, there's a village which mayor was executed by the Gestapo in 1944 for being part of the Resistance. How it's relevant here is that it's about doing the right thing, even at great personal cost, but at odds with the Law of the occupying forces ( yes it's was Vichy France, but by 1942 Germany and Italy were occupying the place nonetheless )
When someone does something the intent does matter. The rightness of the thing does matter. But you can never forget that the personal risks ( or to anyone you are associated with ) do matter too. Many French people during that time Collaborated, which is disgusting, and led to the death of thousands, millions of people. But many of them didn't exactly have a choice ( or sure, if you count getting yourself and your family killed a choice ), and if they hadn't done it, someone else would have. Something that can be said about Tony going after Bucky... and about Bucky not surrendering himself.
When judging someone on their morality, you can't take away the fact that doing the right thing is never easy ( except when it is, and in that case there isn't much merit for doing it ). Personal risks, the abilities of the person, the circumstances can't be overlooked. Even if doing something wrong for the right reasons doesn't make the thing right.
You can say that Collaborating with the nazis in WWII was a choice. But not looking before crossing the road is also a choice, and it's less likely to get you killed. Moreover, not looking before crossing the road doesn't get your family killed.

5) Continuing with the Nazis' occupation of France, you could say that Marechal Petain's decision to Collaborate was, in a way, similar to Tony trying to work within the system while Ross was in command ( except that Petain wasn't nearly as adamant as Tony that Hitler/Ross was a monster ). From that point of view, Steve is the Resistance. And the Resistance is dearly important to us French people ( still mostly siding ith Tony, though ).
( A lot of people side with their own country regarding WWII, like: the USA freed everyone else / the UK never backed down / The Resistance and Free France are the true face of France during the war. It's true and it's not true. The USA were on the other side of the Atlantic, and except Pearl Harbor from what I understand, never had to worry about the Axis' direct attack; they liberated France, and we're grateful for that, but don't ask us to be grateful for the "strategic" bombing casualties. UK never gave up, and suffered great bombing because of it, but let's not forget that being an island, they were out of reach for Hitler's land army, which makes them not surrendering something you can't compare with the other European countries. France was both Vichy, and the Resistance, the Occupied land as well as Free France; we're not free of any stain )

All that to say what?
That's I'm utterly convinced that, given how things happened, the timeframe, the personal circumstances, neither Tony nor Steve could have done perfectly, not while they were still humans, with feelings, insecurities and different back-stories. If anyone is to blame entirely here, it'd be Zemo ( planned revenge involving the death of several innocent civilians isn't something I will even try to defend ) and Ross ( because while you're accountable for the choices you make, such as protecting Bucky, the person who made that choice shitty to begin with is much more accountable ).
That while a system IS needed ( aka the Accords, or whatever else might take their place ), no system can ever be entirely perfect and take everything into account, and that at some point, someone will always have to make an arbitrary judgement, because THERE IS NO ULTIMATE AUTHORITY on what's wrong and what's right.

I hope I ddn't bore you with this review, but I wanted to write it. If only to point out that even if we don't see eye to eye on all points, the simple fact that you didn't take a damning stance right away, and instead let the characters speak for or against you point of view, that's damn important to me.

So thank you.
Iron Dragon Maiden chapter 6 . 8/24/2017
Wanda's a self-entitled brat and I hope she gets arrested or killed.

Foggy deserves a medal.

Rhodey is an angel and best voice of reason.

Peter is just adorable.

And oh gods what's going on with Pepper?!
Iron Dragon Maiden chapter 3 . 8/24/2017
I can't be the only one who wants someone, anyone, to slap Wanda anytime she opens her self-entitled mouth.

Dude, T'Challa owes yo T. He is doing this to be nice and because Ross is corrupt, but you STILL BROKE THE LAW. And have yet to be tried for th YOU have done in Johannesburg. Seriously, if I was Pepper, I'd use a magic neutralizer and break her jaw. Heck, I'm assuming Wanda isn't even a citizen yet and has been using a visa through SI. Bye bye your chances of returning. On top of Pepper disabling or contramanding anything Tony did to bury Wanda's shady and criminal actions.

You're on your own, you self-entitled littl t.
Guest chapter 19 . 4/16/2017
Tony is alive!
Guest chapter 12 . 4/16/2017
Amazing chapter as usual. This is exactly what I would picture if Captain America was on trail
Guest chapter 2 . 4/16/2017
I she'd tears when Tony died, why did you unlock the feeling train?
Guest chapter 1 . 4/16/2017
I completely agree with your reasoning for pro Accords. I love when the superheroes save the world but there's always been damage left to the civilians which the government has to take care of (or Tony). Captain America has a one sided view because he's fought in WW2, he's been celebrated, etc. But it's a new age and breaking human limits , like the captain america serum aren't a major concern. It's about protecting civilians and trying to limit those with dangerous power. Which Tony understands since he knows better than most what dangerous power does (Iron man movie).
SolemnSaturn chapter 19 . 4/9/2017
I finish reading this first part a few days ago and just now I take action to write a review.
Well I have to say that I love the story, because you write about two things that annoy me in the MCU.
The first is action and reaction, In your story after civil war captain america have to pay for what he have done, something that I can't see in the movies, they look like they can do whatever they want wherever they wants and is not the case in your story and I like it.
The second is that you expose a fragile side of them and the results of the events of civil war having a real effect in they daily life, something that I hardly can see in the movies.
The only thing that I don't like was you have to do with Tony, but I understand that it was necessary for the story.
Congratulations for this amazing story, I'm reading the next story on the series and will leave a review after I finish read it.
x0.em.0x chapter 19 . 3/26/2017
AHHHH! This was so well written. I've been dying over here. Then, the spoiler of Loki and Tony alive together- makes my day. Is there going to be a sequel for Infinity War?

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