Reviews for I Still Believe
Princess2020 chapter 57 . 4/2/2018
Does she have the wakandan bottom lip tattoo?
Qweb chapter 57 . 2/27/2018
I don’t see the point of kidnapping Shuri but I guess I’ll find out.
So tense waiting for the battle to begin. Can’t wait for more.
Qweb chapter 56 . 2/27/2018
I missed a chapter! Darn alerts.
Good for Wanda insisting that everyone gets help. They all need their sleep.
Good for Clint, too, giving Klein some work to keep him occupied.
Cant wait to see what happens next. Good thing I have a chapter waiting.
karina001 chapter 57 . 2/27/2018
Ah, another player enters the game and she will NOT be amused at the detour. And in Wakanda we are bout to have round two... and it will be vicious. Looking forward to it.
DarylDixon'sLover chapter 57 . 2/27/2018
Uh oh
Princess2020 chapter 56 . 1/29/2018
What happened to Pietro?
Winter-Soldier-88 chapter 55 . 1/16/2018
Lazy boy, at your service with ANOTHER late review.

Thanks for giving me the honour to come up with the back story of Rainbow, lovely name BTW.
Also, for using the sonic disrupter idea.

LOL at the whole "reporting for duty" thing.

Loved the way you incoprated the "thirld world" scene from BP teaser trailer.
King? Keep dreaming Mr. Klaw...
Nice plan though, too bad you didn't took into acount the AVENGERS.

Ah, the evergreen "language" quip.
Glad that it was Tony on the receiving end this time.

How come Vision doen't know Scot's history? I thought he would be even faster than JARVIS at hacking someone.

Steve better start searching for a ring soon, cuz Kaya's parents have already said YES.

I like the sound of it,"Prince Steven Grant Rogers, knight of the most noble order of warriors"
karina001 chapter 56 . 1/14/2018
Oops, he had a 'moment' and a pretty eerie one for him too. As for Wakanda... quiet before the storm.
DarylDixon'sLover chapter 56 . 1/14/2018
Great chapter
Winter-Soldier-88 chapter 54 . 1/9/2018
Sorry for my late review.

Oh Friday, she is always up to something (usually to NO-GOOD)

Glad to see Dumee getting his due spot.
LOL on the"modesty subroutines".
Since this happens after CW, then its timeline would be Sep,Oct 2016. Didnt the Killian incident happen during christmas 2012?
So how can it happen "last year"?

Hill did herself no favours whatsoever by pulling off such a stupid stunt..

Wanda has become so good at keeping secrets..

I like Jira's thinking, only Kaya defeating horf would put an end to this coup. It will be like Eyowen against witch king in LOTR.

Ouch...Awkward momennt comming.
Qweb chapter 55 . 1/5/2018
I can see Klaw singing about being king.
I liked the meeting between Tony and Steve and Bucky ( oops). Glad Kaya’s family is welcoming even if Kaya becomes queen. But they don’t know T’Challa isn’t dead. Will we see two Panthers at once? I’m excited.
karina001 chapter 55 . 1/4/2018
A long, long day and one far from over. And maybe, just maybe, Maria Hill finally pushed too far... but maybe not.
Princess2020 chapter 54 . 12/18/2017
wow. so what happened to kaya.
Qweb chapter 54 . 12/17/2017
AIT: Been there, done that.
Oops, Friday didn't get through soon enough. How will Tony react? Can't wait to see.
karina001 chapter 54 . 12/16/2017
Oh, things are about to get even more... interesting. At least they had about 10 seconds warning.
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