Reviews for Beacon's Effect 3: Awakening
stylo1 chapter 28 . 6/23
wow did this ending sucked, i dont know if i even want to read the next book
stylo1 chapter 14 . 6/23
the magi going rogue with the geth working on something called the hammer and needing the anvill needs a lot more explanation then just an after not of mira and tali fighting for their lives
Guest chapter 27 . 1/16
Sad choice, a twist on TIM vs Shepard, but I have to agree with Javik. Bringing back tortured souls with little control could be more of a liability than a boon unless Ko'le has an ace up his sleeve where he knows for certain that he can resurrect them fully enough.

Shepard should have gone with to the end and served as voice of reason. Gonna be a tough flight back.
Guest chapter 18 . 1/15
Beautiful, just beautiful healing for them. Not so sure about the Arrival plan, but we'll see how badly it backfires on Ko'le.
Guest chapter 17 . 1/15
Wow, Tusken, you continue to outdo yourself. What an incredibly creative story reveal with the space station... And incredibly touching character interactions with Ko'le and Mira willing to lay down their lives for their friends. I keep getting psyched up at your kickass battle scenes and then my heart torn open by your touching moments between characters. Thank you for this amazingly thrilling ride!
Guest chapter 15 . 1/15
I continue to be overwhelmed by the heartfelt depths of compassion and friendship that your characters display. You've woven storylines together in masterful ways and I'm privileged to read tbis. Thank you!
mynonsensemail chapter 26 . 1/16
So far so good. Kind move, sending the young'uns back to guard the crew. Kolyat and Reyna fought well and should live to see another day, while the older veterans can continue to risk their lives. Since there's no Cerberus/TIM, you don't really need Miranda to lead the Suicide Mission, either. I'm curious to see if there'll be a human reaper under construction or if you have another surprise deviation for us (which may be better than canon, actually). Forward, the Light Brigade!
mynonsensemail chapter 25 . 1/15
Touching scenes, and incredibly relevant poem by Tennyson. I just looked up The Charge Of The Light Brigade and it speaks so strongly to the suicide mission. Shepard's team isn't the first to go up against insurmountable odds.

Glad to see mention of Ashley... it's been awhile and Ko'le hasn't visited her, talked or anything. Hope they can realize their dreams together.
mynonsensemail chapter 24 . 1/15
Tough chapter. Initial hope for bringing more Protheans back... dashed when we realize they're too far gone. Impressive work by EDI and Mira. Surprised but not too shocked to see the Indomitable is taken, can't really remember any crew from that ship?

Rest in Peace, Dr. Chakwas.
mynonsensemail chapter 23 . 1/15
Once again, your rearranging of the game's missions makes complete sense. With no Cerberus team around to go study it, there's no Indoctrinated on the Derelict Reaper mission. So instead of getting the IFF from there, just get it from the first Collector ship instead... and by the way, do the boarding here too while the whole squad is on the Collector ship. The game gave a really contrived reason for getting the entire squad off-ship so it could be boarded by Collectors and the crew kidnapped; this makes more sense.

One scary discovery is the Collectors' attempt to replicate Ko'le's implants - if they can augment their army with super-biotic warriors like Ko'le, then the galaxy is even more screwed. Looking forward to seeing how they get out of this.
mynonsensemail chapter 21 . 1/15
Korcari Wilds and Tevinter - nice DA Easter eggs.

The Tuchanka missions were AWESOME! Grunt actually RIDING the thresher maw and hammering it to death is so in-character and close quarters fighting is actually more likely than sniping it from a distance. I mean, on random planets in ME1 you could encounter thresher maws out in the open, so why not on Tuchanka? It's more likely to meet one there than from inside an arena (which the maw could tunnel into anyway...). Everyone on the team performed so well. Glad to see Jane and Basher continue to bond, as they're both tank-bred clones I can see why they feel an affinity for e/o and it makes sense that they're now krantt.

Loving this - thanks for all your work on this series!
mynonsensemail chapter 20 . 1/15
Great chapter. I love Ko'le's focus on redemption: what's better than destroying your enemies? Converting them to your side and gaining more allies. Instead of pre-emptively killing someone like Kai Leng, Ko'le has been able to add him as a War Asset (and he hasn't betrayed us so far!) Over and over again, he finds a better solution - that's inspiring.

Thanks for your work on this!
mynonsensemail chapter 19 . 1/15
I think somebody, somewhere is going to suspect Ko'le for this - it won't be a completely clean getaway. If Shepard finds out and confronts Ko'le about withholding this from her, then this may be the final straw that breaks her trust in him.

It's curious how regardless which benefactor brings Shepard back to life (The Illusive Man or Ko'le), Shepard still doesn't trust them. TIM & Cerberus certainly proved worthy of distrust, but Ko'le's actions have overwhelmingly aligned with his stated intent of defeating the Reapers. Interesting comment on human nature, I suppose - we are just inherently skeptical of anything too good to be true. At this point, I'm afraid that after destroying the Reapers, Shepard may move to neutralize Ko'le or at least prevent him from seizing power over what's left of the galaxy. Beast's words to Hannah about how she should bow to his power could really scare them into restraining Ko'le so in the end, we may still see fracture through internal division.

Thought-provoking... and I'm glad that Ko'le shows respect to the victims here. Onward to the next chapter!
Guest chapter 14 . 1/15
Enjoying this a lot, thanks so much for creating this!
Guest chapter 13 . 1/15
Enjoying it, thank you!
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