Reviews for Surrender Tastes Sweet
Guest chapter 1 . 5/26/2016

Okay, first, so sorry about your troubles. Even if you are better at the moment, pain takes a while to dissipate and sadness likes to stay creeping around corners. But I hope things continue on a happy path for you. Sometimes s/o's just suck.

Onto the story, wow again. Seriously. So much emotion and awareness in this. I would love to have more but this can stand alone as well. Wow. I gotta tell ya, as a sub (actually a little), I loved Cas taking control! That was hottttt. But so much more than sexual. It was intimate. It was spiritual. It made me want to go and get ravaged already!

Thank you for this. Made my morning for sure!
TiaTheFox chapter 1 . 5/28/2016
Beautifully written. I enjoy your writing style a lot; a nice in between of casual and descriptive, I think. It makes the entire fanfic twice as lovely to read.
Impala-Dreamer chapter 1 . 5/26/2016
That was great! Love the room breaking apart around them. Hope you are doing well and thanks for writing more!