Reviews for America's Little Sister
Torie46 chapter 13 . 8/3
Poor Grace and the guys. She doesn't remember them. On a lighter note, I'd marry Steve, Bucky or Clint if one of them cooked that good. Sadly my dad, when he cooked spaghetti was to make it too spicy and my brother made his sweet. My mother makes the best and I can't find a good duplicate. I sometimes di spaghetti, but I buy sauce already made and the only thing I cook is the noodles.
Torie46 chapter 12 . 8/1
And I guess this is where it all fell apart.
Torie46 chapter 11 . 8/1
Yeah, there is more to that "I" and "We" than meets the eye.
Torie46 chapter 10 . 7/28
Yep, Bucky has it bad for Grace. Hopefully 70 years will help him remember that he does.
Torie46 chapter 9 . 7/28
Sadly, Bucky doesn't see her as more than the little sister of his best friend.
Torie46 chapter 8 . 7/28
Hopefully Banner and Stark can unthaw her without damage done.
Torie46 chapter 7 . 7/27
Almost sad that Bucky forgot Grace and Steve as this part showed how close they all were.
Torie46 chapter 6 . 7/27
Bucky was sweet to do that for her. No wonder she likes him so much.
Torie46 chapter 5 . 7/26
Bucky is apparently your typical dumb guy to not realize Grace is in love with him. Hopefully, he'll realize it in 70 years when he's the Winter Soldier.
Torie46 chapter 4 . 7/25
I have to agree with Steve Grace and Bucky talk as if they are dating.
Torie46 chapter 3 . 7/25
Other than him liking lots of girls, I would date Bucky. Grace should. The different girls are his only drawback.
Torie46 chapter 2 . 7/25
The one person in the world who can boss around Steve and Bucky and is intimidating despite her height.
Torie46 chapter 1 . 7/25
Good beginning. I like this story as I skimmed through it and I look forward to more.
Torie46 chapter 50 . 7/14
Please update. I have skimmed through it and I like it. Please write more.
Adahmel chapter 50 . 3/17
More please.
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