Reviews for Better
Arkham Wyntier chapter 1 . 5/30/2017
Definitely a bit longer than those shorts you mentioned, but other than that it was great. Spot on how I pictured these two acting. And as for the shipping? I think it would be like a Batman/Catwoman thing. Which I approve of.
madelinealazne chapter 1 . 2/8/2017
Omg please please please write more! I love this so much!
g3m1n1 chapter 1 . 8/11/2016
No, it's not weird. Pretty sure it's the only way those two would believably get together. And it would be AWESOME.
Shadow-ying chapter 1 . 6/26/2016
Nice story with a really interesting plot. Like how you took everything available about these characters and told a tale about what if they did meet.

It was well written with you nailing the action and dialogue between the two characters, and you had the tone down perfectly at the beginning I genuinely thought it was from the game.

Glad to see Symmetra fic and I like how you wrote her as a complex person showing her desire to do good and help, while working for a cooperation that is pretty damn shady, without making her a bad guy.
Hope you do some more stuff with her in future. Have a nice day!
Tokyo Sunset chapter 1 . 5/29/2016

I knew what I wanted out of a Symmetra/LĂșcio fic. And this is exactly it! It's the fic I wanted to read but was too lazy to write. It's everything I wanted - more even!

You just got a new follower. I'll make sure to read whatever you write in the future. A

(Can you tell I ship them too?)
Cakes Blargh chapter 1 . 5/28/2016
Romantic, shipping or not, you wrote them well while giving a great dynamic on top of their canon relationship, something Overwatch fanfic kind of missing.

I like how you didn't make Symmetra pull a sudden 180 even when given a hard evidence, because that would ignore what they represent as characters and ruin what made them interesting in the first place.

Your writing sets the pacing and atmosphere quitr nicely. Well done.