Reviews for When Past and Future are Present
PurpleReader29 chapter 1 . 10/13/2017
Banana Sam, Banana Sam, does whatever a banana can...Thank you for your wonderful stories. All the characters are amazing and of course you are fulfilling all our fangirl hopes and dreams. Banana Sam...(I seriously have this stuck in my head!)
Earial13 chapter 1 . 5/30/2016
Oh my gosh! A sequel! My wildest dreams have come true! Seriously though, this was beautifully executed; it was a blast seeing 9 and Rose again. I loved the creative twist on the Time Gem too! You're an extremely talented writer, you "get" the characters and their voices perfectly. You make two very different fandoms flow seamlessly together and it makes my inner fangirl squeal (ok maybe I squealed out loud, but minor details). Keep on writing, can't wait to read more from you!