Reviews for Peace and Health and Dreams
Peita Mae Jovero chapter 5 . 1/14
I dislike the idea of feminism and gender equality, and I'm a woman! People need to realize that being feminist is also a double standards. Before people sprout about gender equal right, read and understand history and social sciences. (sigh)
CuteVyper chapter 8 . 5/29/2019
So, this is basically my non-existent university life! Hahah (crying inside). A really nice story and I can def see you reasearched at least for Natsumes parts hahaha! It felt a bit unfullfilling to say the truth. About how Yuu can become a better writer, about the interactions between him and Hotaru, the relationship between Anna and Mochu, the relationship between Mikan and Natsume, about Persona because the part about drugs really got me curious! And how I feel Kuonji could also be part of it. Also Natsume meeting Yuka, oh boy, I wouldnt know if they would talk more of literature or Mikan hahahaha. Also why would she have decided to become a doctor in exchange of something in the same field as her mother since being a doc is more vocational (and people who do it only for money are shitty doctors). What I mean is that you more left it as a Sandbox kind of story, if you understand what I mean.
In the end, great writting, the smut scenes 'oh-la-la' (also the poem you made - I actually found it funny because if you tell it to a kid they will have no idea what youre talking about hahhahah), liked the references (Im being cheap, I know -"So, why so serious?") and the lit. parts. What else,... you also made them normal and Mikan not so innocent btw (which I find refreshing but it still feels exciting in comparison with the oh so innocent persona Mikan is usually portrayed with) and also the part with Natsume being a literature kind of guy (which in a way I see fitting for him). Thinking about it,it was also interesting the facy how much you used Mochu and Yuu (and how Persona is not actually a bad guy towards Natsume) in echange of Ruka and Koko. Its the first time I actually see these characters being used so much more than the obvious male duo. It was actually refreshing!
So thank you for the short story and read ya later!
pressuredtreasure chapter 8 . 4/3/2019
Great read. Awesome as always. Love your writing!
kimGee chapter 1 . 5/27/2018
I really enjoy your works!
Undertheskys chapter 8 . 1/21/2018
Cute ending
xxFLaMiNG MiLCuTexx chapter 8 . 1/21/2018
sweet.. but i wonder what happened with yuu since the story started with him. it's fun to read how you associate their alices wih their studies.
Wednesday Wildheart chapter 5 . 9/7/2017
Why I only got to read this story of yours is beyond me as I've been constantly checking the fandom for updates. I just finished my Genders and Literature subjects a few terms ago and I couldn't agree more to everything Mikan said. I suggest reading Nick Joaquin's A Summer Solstice. It's a short story and I'm sure you'll like it!
AnonymousReader chapter 7 . 5/21/2017
Omyghaddd! it's me again. i thought that you were in hiatus I didnt see the published date and saw it as 2016. please forget that false remark about you being in hiatus... BUT AAL IN ALL DO YOUR BEST and please forgive my silliness XD love yah~~
AnonymousReader chapter 8 . 5/21/2017
Hands down to you mate! Your talent in writing is amazing. I love how OOC the characters are and you did not add the playbox x innocent love shit XDXD I'm too grateful that I've decided to check your story and your way in words...amazing seriously XD This was the story that I've been waiting and I'm lucky enough to read this late cuz it's obvious that you're in hiatus right now lolol hope you continue this amazing story. I love the wittiness especially about the literary stuffs. Oh man Oh man Oh man I AM SO FUCKIN' AMAZED that I can't stop this review (sorry for the grammatical errors XD) I seriously love this STORY! 3 3 Usually, when I'm bored I just skipped the no sex part (sorry XD Im a bit of a perv lolol) But your story made me go back to the first chapter and read it attentively. I've read for hours, the reeason would be I dont want it to end just yet and the other was I dont want to END XDXD I have to end this review and Im hoping or begging for you to CONTINUE this... Sorry for my ridiculous remarks and XDs and lololols.

~tralalala Ciao ;)
CrimsonEyes Loves HazelOrbs chapter 8 . 5/5/2017
As as much as i loved the Mikan and Natsume gettunf together arc , I think it gets more interesting from here. Waiting for update (it's summer :D )
gingervelvet chapter 8 . 11/27/2016
Really sweet and touching update! It felt intimate for some reason.

The foreshadowing in your author's note is ominous, hmm! I'm assuming this 'arc' you are talking about is Natsume and Mikan's relationship? Since you planned this story more extensively (can I say elaborately too? ahaha) I'm guessing you're gonna start talking more in depth about the other guys in the Lit Club? Whatever you have planned, I'm like 99.9% sure it will shock me! I love this university AU with the Gakuen Alice cast, bless.
Miss Evana chapter 8 . 11/6/2016
I was thinking it was the ending actually. It's a good ending. Sweet. (But not too cheesy). I like it! You fanfiction was very well written, I enjoyed it all along. I'll follow if you continue or write somehting else. Good luck with your studies / work !
Anilissa chapter 8 . 11/6/2016
Aww, but that's understandable. I hope you get your stuff done soon. good luck! Glad we (readers) got to see a little progress:))
(At least you made them together already before this semi-hiatus. XD) hope to see the next chapter soon:)
gingervelvet chapter 7 . 10/23/2016
Welcome back (Sorta? Do 2-ish months even count?)!
You're absolutely right in your author's note! Men get away with so many things it's disturbing. The double standards for men and women are unbelievable...

Natsume being all clueless in the beginning reminds me of my middle school days, haha! Aww man, kids back then (me included, of course) were always like 'You LIKE /them/?!' and 'I'm gonna go tell them for you!'. It sounds cute at first but I should've realized that if they didn't want anything said, I should've kept my mouth shut. :-( Which is what Mochu wanted Anna to do but she didn't get the memo. Honestly, me. In class. All the time. Anyway, the very brief part with Anna and Mochu made me so curious about their relationship! Especially how in one of your earlier chapters (2, was it?), Mochu said something about Anna being his rock? Then here, the whole "no grey area between us" has me zooming in with my eyes like 'oo'.
You know, I thought how Natsume acted in this chapter was pretty in character for him. As much as I love Natsume, how he acted in the manga at times were really not okay. The whole threatening with fire thing around other guys who were with Mikan (Tsubasa, Tono, etc.) was unjustified. Like Mikan said here, it's alright to feel jealous when the person you like is with someone else, but you have absoutely no right to take any sort of action when the two of you are not 'official'. Guys always think that a female having male friends automatically equals to one of you liking the other or something going on between you two. Congratulations for all our words flying over your head! I'm glad to see that all we are to you in that moment is a piece of meat to be fought over by the alpha male. In all honesty, I felt like they made up too fast. However, I guess a whole day was enough? Idk, I mean, I could be super pissed about something my boyfriend did and rant animatedly about it but then feel 10x better and not so worked up right afterwards. Actually, whatever, after typing this out I realized that I'm like the exact same, just faster lol!
Orange chapter 7 . 10/21/2016
I'm surprised by how this story doesn't have more reviews. It's so good and the dialogues are so well thought out. I love it. Hope you update soon. xoxo
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