Reviews for Riptide
wearethewitches chapter 7 . 4/20
this series was so wonderful. thank-you for writing all of these amazing works!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/18
I still reread your stories all the time. I hope you'll come back and write more someday.
Guest chapter 7 . 12/4/2019
I miss your stories! Hope you'll come back and write more :)
amaia chapter 7 . 5/4/2019
Fantastic...I was good til Li gave Gibbs her gift, then I started tearing up, &, by the end, I was a mess. Thx.
Someoneslove chapter 7 . 2/4/2019
Absolutely AWESOME!
Someoneslove chapter 6 . 2/1/2019
Lia is so precious. A very insightful little girl.
Someoneslove chapter 4 . 1/31/2019
Well written as usual with your stories. You have a unique way of writing. I almost had to get a VNS(?)
Guest chapter 5 . 3/10/2018
Gibbs balks when she says she ate, Ziva questions her until she's uncomfortable when she calls Tony aba. Poor Lia, they want her to change then freak out when she does.
Guest chapter 7 . 3/8/2018
Any chance you'll write more in this series? I Just re-read all of it.
Oracleismyname chapter 7 . 4/10/2017
I only just saw this last chapter - amazing story from start to finish. Thanks so much for writing it and investing so much energy to see it through to the end.
ancilla89 chapter 7 . 4/9/2017
I love it! Are there more to come in this series or in the "Foundling" series?
born30 chapter 7 . 2/12/2017
I love epilogues. The sun-soaked hazy of them. The possibilities.

Ziva revealing so much-I didn't see it coming. She has only ever had fleeting scrapes of freedom her whole life. And Gibbs, realizing his own...avoidance. Not wanting to overstep. It it hard to know how much to be in someone's life.

But not anymore. His father-in-law floor. And Liana's gift. Not throwing away the past. Remembering, but not dwelling. "Among the living"-a theme in your recent works, and it fits here, too. I love Gibbs acknowledging that he'd had enough solitude. That he hadn't built a boat in awhile. He has new purpose.

Thank you for all the heart you put into this story. *hugs*
born30 chapter 6 . 2/12/2017
I heard that refrain, it started before you, all through this chapter, though it wasn't repeated. They all have their histories. Some pieces bleed through. Some swept aside.

Gibbs moving in. A long-time coming. Overdue? No. The time was right.

Gibbs opening up to Liana. She reminds him of things he couldn't fix, yes, but also she is her own. She's not exactly Kelly, as you pointed out. She's not Ziva, entirely. "I love the hell out of you." And he means it. They have grown so much, together.

Gibbs. I love that this sequel focused on him. His growth with Ziva, with Lia, with Tony-and even the former team beyond. It started before him, but he is there now.
born30 chapter 5 . 2/12/2017
Apologies for falling off the planet, as I am apt to do during the school months. I re-read from the start to get the full impact of the final chapters. You are responsible for many feels over the past few days.

Damn Eli for showing up. I get it. I've dealt with a repenting old man, but they never seem to realize the damage their presence, their wanting so much from you after THEY hurt you, does. Re-trauma. And the way Eli tries to's perfectly inadequate.

The end reminded me a lot of TW. Just Gibbs and Ziva. Her stubbornness. His care, but his gruffness, too. Both trying.

And Liana continues her progress. Nutrition is such a huge aspect of autism. No wonder she was so out of sorts. Poisoning her, indeed.

EvelynGrace101 chapter 7 . 2/1/2017
I of course and very sad that this story has come to an end, but I hope that one day we'll be privileged enough to read more of your wonderful writing. I've loved this story, and absolutely fallen in love with your depictions of the wonderful characters. I have no doubt that I'll come back and reread them in the future. All the best xx
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