Reviews for No Use Crying About It
Lana J'onzz chapter 9 . 7/20
Where is the next chapter?
Guest chapter 5 . 9/13/2019
Proponent of EVO chapter 9 . 8/19/2019
Didn't see that coming! Thanks for writing!
Citlali.A.U chapter 9 . 7/5/2019
aww man when is the next chapter gonna be up, I really look forward to it. Steve is so sweet and gentle with Wanda, i really love the whole hand holding thing. pretty please next chapter )
Guest chapter 9 . 6/29/2019
I had never really thought of Steve and Wanda as a pairing before, but the way you wrote them together has changed my perspective. It seemed so natural for them to be together. I really like the chapter and I can't wait for the next one.
Black Kat64 chapter 9 . 6/19/2019
I love love love Scarlett America and I was really not expecting Steve to kiss Wanda. I can't wait for another chapter. I also rarely review because I'm dyslexic and I hate that I can't always tell if I'm leaving a bunch of errors behind but i really wanted to let you know I loved you story.
Guest chapter 9 . 6/19/2019
I just found this story and it immediately became a favorite. I love Steve and Wanda so much. And I love how you write them and all the characters. Wanda is my favorite character and I love seeing everyone pouring out love for her. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to more!
DarylDixon'sLover chapter 9 . 6/18/2019
Holy hell
ScarletAmerica22 chapter 8 . 6/13/2019
Omg I discovered your story yesterday and I love it! Your writing style is really amazing! There are so many lines that just stood out to me, because they are beautifully written. I love your portrayal of the characters, because it makes them feel so real and I also feel like I am getting to know them better. I love how protective Clint is. I fell in love with him as Wanda's father figure and I really enjoyed how you presented it here. And ofc I absolutely adore the way you make Steve and Wanda interact. I know that you updated this the last time around 2 years ago and I guess you won't finish it anymore, but I hope that you are at least getting this comment and see how much this story means to me! I am pretty sure I will read it again, because it was so well written and became my favorite ScarletAmerica fanfiction. Anyway, I hope you see this message and if you ever think about continuing this story I would be more than thrilled, because I love it and I am dying to know what happens next. 333
lkm1871 chapter 7 . 2/7/2019
lkm1871 chapter 2 . 2/6/2019
Loved the story and nice chapter! :))
nana723 chapter 8 . 11/18/2018
I love this story and hope you update Soon :)
Coco-Da-Me chapter 8 . 8/20/2018
Omg, love this so muuuuuuuuuch!
Guest chapter 8 . 6/10/2018
Are you still going on this?... Please continue I need to know how it ends!
SolaceInSciFi chapter 8 . 5/20/2018
Ok so let me just start of saying I LOVE THIS STORY, I can’t believe this is your first avengers fanfic, you’re writing it like a pro. Wanda has always been one of the most interesting characters to me, so I was super happy to find this. I also love the relationships between her and the rest of team cap in this story. I wonder how the press conference with tony will go, and if she’ll be able to keep her composure or if it will bring all she’s been through back to the surface. Please update soon!
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