Reviews for Skeletons
KureNo11 chapter 1 . 10/26/2016
I didnt realise my tears flowing down my cheeks while I read the last parts. Megumi's words, Kaoru alone waiting for Kenshin, and every single description in this story speaks loudly about their heart wrenching yet heart warming story.
kenji-chan chapter 1 . 6/17/2016
would love to see a new chapter of this,. i love it.
fluffybluff chapter 1 . 6/11/2016
I love it! the heart wrenching detail and the quiet conclusion is beautiful. nothing over the top, nothing fairytale-ish (something that could ruin a good story). I think that the whole story feels quiet but with a strong emotion.
starfingers chapter 1 . 6/8/2016
Slow and beautifully written. Please continue!
Basya chapter 1 . 6/6/2016
(Sorry, I need to post my review again I messed up the first one. )

It's a well-thought-out story. They're not loners, they're just victims of circumstance. It's not about time healing wounds but finding comfort and giving it. Everybody needs their own soothing balms. It's really an engaging read.

Just one thing though, the dates are messed up I think.
Kaorus' family died exactly 2 years according to Megumi but the tombstones read April 18,2009 and that's 7 years in counting if the day of their visit's April 18,2016.

Anyways that's just minor. Thanks again for the good read.
Basya chapter 1 . 6/6/2016
It's a well-thought-out story. They're not loners, they're just victims of circumstance. It's not about time healing wounds but finding comfort and giving it needs their own soothing balms. It's really an engaging read.

Just one thing though, the dates are messed up I think.
Kaorus' family died exactly 2 years according to Megumi but the tombstones read April 18,2009 and that's 7 years in counting if the day of their visit's April 18,2016.

Anyways that's just minor. Thanks again for the good read.
kenkao4ever chapter 1 . 6/6/2016
Ahhh so good, so good, so good! XD this made me cry and happy at the same time. Poor kaoru-chan losing her family all at once! But despite that she's strong and that makes me love her more. Huhuhu. I love kenkao, their loneliness attracts them to each other, i guess. And their connection is so genuine and i love the compassion between them... Ahhh i love you for writing this story. Maybe you can write another for this one...two-shot? *wink wink*
TricksterBoo chapter 1 . 6/5/2016
I enjoyed reading this. Same characters in a new setting and situations, and you handled them well. Thanks for posting!