Reviews for Desirable Revenge
AliceCullen0629 chapter 1 . 9/14
really good story
Robin.D chapter 1 . 5/30
That is good Loved it :-):-):-):-):-)
Roxhall1 chapter 1 . 2/7
omg! Is there more? I need more!
rachel625 chapter 1 . 1/23
Oh my gosh that was awesome! I don't see a sequel but I hope you do come back and write one!
Roxhall1 chapter 1 . 11/20/2019
please update!
Siobhan Whitlock chapter 1 . 11/13/2019
What a fantastic OS! I love all of your Twilight Stories!
1tinac chapter 1 . 10/18/2019
Well she left a bunch of enemy's free will. Cullens the Carolyn female who wants Peter and Victoria... So that was expected.
jaspersmate81 chapter 1 . 9/18/2019
I absolutely loved this story! Its amazing and so unique! The whole vampire crackhead joke was great! That is how I've always viewed Doucheward Cullen's "love" for Bella (well her blood is what he really loves and her silent mind, so the prude can have what he termed a "girlfriend" w/out the usual sexual fantasies he'd normally have to "dirty his mind" and "soil" himself by listening to while "dating" any other girl. Did any ever notice throughout the series in canon, they never actually "dated?" Eating at Bella Italia after rescuing her from the human would-be-rapists and forcing her to go to a prom with a broken leg, againat her will mind you, I wouldn't really term as dates or romantic. All words I put into the quotation marks are meant to be used as a convoluted, barest posible definition of their enclosed words. Lol. Just like when he called her his "mate." I really cannot wait to read more! Please either continue this story and/or write the sequel. It definately deserves to be continued. Twilight will never die. Twilight forever! P/B/J's mateship should have been made canon. Jasper was always the hottest Cullen. As an empath I dont see how he could have standed to be around Malice The Pixie Bitch for any length if time. Her hyperness, selfishness, ridiculous shopping addiction, and obsessive need to dress everyone in the coven up as uncomfortable looking preppy kids, would have thrown any love he'd have felt for her oit the window. would have driven him insane. A mate is supposed to love every part of their mate, redneck mentality, southern, country-boy accent, cowboy boots and hat and all. Not make your mate change everything about you. How him being an empath couldnt tell he was being lied to, I'll never understand. Also in the canon series, who they chose to cast ad Peter and Charlotte and the amount of screen time they allowed the characters to actually have was a crying shame. The actors they chose didn't look anythinh like what I imagined them to look like when reading the original stories. I always pictured Peter and Char with long blonde hair. Char's movie version, extreme pixie hair cut didn't look right either. According to the books, their body hair never grew longer than when they were changed into vampires. Charlotte was made in the 1940's I believe, I think Alice was too, or close to that time period. Neither of their haircuts would have been considered fashionable in those time periods if you really think about it! Anyways, keep up with the excellent work!
Navywife07 chapter 1 . 6/24/2019
Please update
Kyra chapter 1 . 3/6/2019
Hi! I love this o/s... Are you ever going to write the sequel? I'll be hoping and waiting! Keep writing!
Tilty.bbb chapter 1 . 2/22/2019
This was fantastic well done
supergirl superman chapter 1 . 12/28/2018
that was amazing and hot all at the same time
BABY GIRL TIFF chapter 1 . 7/4/2018
please update soon. I'm in love with your story
MiccaF chapter 1 . 6/13/2018
Love this one!
Lexie Starfire chapter 1 . 5/31/2018
This is so good I loved it and can't wait to read more
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