Reviews for The Saga of Two Heroes
Triforce Dragons chapter 6 . 9/5/2017
No probelm. Dark and Link will get through!
imnotraven16 chapter 4 . 6/24/2016
awesome chapter
RavenHairedSpectrobeMaster chapter 3 . 6/14/2016
Oooooooooooo. I like this!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/6/2016
I don't understand ideas like this. The Triforce is regarded as the most powerful thing in the world, so what purpose is there to make up something else? And what's up with a primordial nebula forming the earth instead of the Golden Goddesses? Honestly, I feel that the Twilight Talisman would work better in an original story. Like I said, there's no purpose to just make up something similar to the Triforce when the Triforce already exists in that universe. The series has already given you an ancient, (mostly) unseen, powerful relic. There's no need for another.
NekoetteChan chapter 2 . 6/6/2016
pretty decent