Reviews for Longitude and Latitude
octocelot chapter 1 . 7/24/2016
Hey, Kazu! Just popping by to finally (!) do my Camp reviews. Here's what's on the table: a review on this story, which was written for the canoe day. An additional review, since this fic was 1k words. And three aditional reviews, since you completed all three writing days.

Since I just read this pretty much completely fandom blind, I was a little confused. Unfortunately, I can't comment much on characterization, but I felt that these characters were all distinct (:

I feel that there were a few sentences that could be simplified so they read more easily. Most of these sentences were long with lots of clauses or phrases and not much punctuation between them. The first line of the fic is one example.

I got the basic gist of the plot, though! Funny that the coordinates sent were to a restaurant!

I never thought that I would find a fic about being stuck in traffic to be interesting! Well done.
JasmineRey chapter 1 . 6/28/2016
Nice, light-hearted and humorous story. I enjoyed reading it.

Great characterisation, especially of Stark. All his comments alluding to other archers definitely captured his wittiness ("Legolas, what's keeping you?" and "Don't get all snippy on me Katniss" were my personal favourites). Also, the way he insisted he'd sent the right coordinates showed his typical stubbornness.

I also liked J.A.R.V.I.S's dialogue. You did an excellent job with his language and manner of speaking. I automatically read his dialogue in his voice.

["I sent you the coordinates for a restaurant I really like."] Well, if you're going to end up lost and in the wrong place, it may as well be somewhere with great food. :)

I didn't come across any spelling, grammar or punctuation errors, so well done for that.

Overall, I just really like how you took a simple and rather boring issue, like being stuck in traffic, and created an nice, entertaining story with it. By choosing something that story's aren't often about, it made the piece more interesting, as it was something new and different.

Well done! Keep up the excellent writing!

darkaccalia520 chapter 1 . 6/17/2016
This was a really cute story. There was some excellent characterization, too. Your Tony was spot-on, and your Clint was great, too. And what a great premise...being stuck in traffic. Who hasn't been there? And since Clint can't fly nor does he really have superpowers like the other Avengers, he needs to travel the old-fashioned way.

And lol, it was hilarious when Tony's hologram showed up. That was very creative, since I didn't know he could that. ;) Ah, but his ribbing isn't making the situation any better, and he insists it must be Clint's fault. Good thing J.A.R.V.I.S. is around to clear it up.

And hahaha, the A.I. explains that it was actually Tony's fault to begin with. That is just too rich. And just like Tony, he won't actually say he's sorry. Pizza might have been a nice consolation, but knowing Tony, he'd make Clint pay for I guess it was smart of him to refuse to pick any up. But at least J.A.R.V.I.S. has a smart solution to send a helicopter for him. What a sweet deal! It's almost too bad Tony didn't just send one in the first place to save him a trip.

I do love how you show that Clint's still feeling a bit guilty over what happened during the Chitauri invasion, but Tony is quick to tell him there's no reason...and that they're heroes for what they've done. And he's so right... If they hadn't acted, people would be complaining. It's so a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Since this was a real plot point from the films, I love that you touched on it.

Anyway, I can just imagine the daggers some of the other drivers were giving Clint when he just left the car. I hope he doesn't end up having to pay for a rental car when all is said and done, but hopefully, when traffic lets up, they just drive around... Or Clint gets back to the car before the traffic lets up.

Still, this was a cute little piece, and I always love seeing the billionaire genius screw up...and then make up for it. Well done! :)


cars security system.-car's security system.

the cars behind him jockeying for the quarter-the cars behind him, jockeying for the quarter

me look, you must-me look; you must

Jarvis—I just want to point out that if you mean the AI (and it seems like you do), it's actually J.A.R.V.I.S. Jarvis without the acronym is actually the person. I'm not sure if the character list shows J.A.R.V.I.S. as opposed to Jarvis, but I thought I'd point it out in case you want to make corrections. Up to you.

Avenger's Tower—Avengers Tower

Tell," Stark cut him off, "except—Stark cut him off really isn't a dialogue tag. Perhaps: Tell,” Stark said, cutting him off, “except

" I'll take—You seem to have an extra space after the quotation marks here.

that," Stark sighed.-Same as above. 'Stark sighed' isn't really a dialogue tag, since one can't usually say an entire sentence while sighing. Perhaps: that,” Stark said with a sigh.

ground, it's—ground; it's

doors, and chirped—No comma needed here.