Reviews for A Very Confusing Future
Guest chapter 9 . 7/10
I hope you are still working on this. I actually really like it
no chapter 9 . 6/13
trash :( good thing you stopped writing tbh. stinky!
Robbie Street chapter 9 . 6/4
If you could find the time, I would be positively grateful if you could write the rest of this fanfiction or at least the next chapter. Again, I would be internally grateful if you did.

Thank You.
TheRedPhoenix chapter 9 . 5/21
Please continue with the fanfiction it's just to good to be left unfinished.
Robbie Street chapter 9 . 4/26
If you could find time to update/write the next chapter, I would be grateful.
Narukushi13 forever chapter 9 . 4/20
Go ahead please
Boorober chapter 1 . 4/14
This is really good!

Please continue!
Wolfeather101 chapter 9 . 1/29
*crawls out of fandom pit*
Neeeeed... more..!
Awesome job on this so far. Hope to see more soon! Please?
Zora the Nadder chapter 9 . 10/16/2019
And, whaddayouknow? YOU NEVER UPDATED IT! PLEASE...
dragonboi1212 chapter 9 . 8/30/2019
nice chapter hope you update soon
Prankster23 chapter 9 . 7/14/2019
Pls update so good
Lord Halcyon chapter 9 . 7/7/2019
This has been an interesting read I do hope you continue at some point.

Lord Halcyon
June chapter 9 . 4/19/2019
I was really enjoying your story. Stories like these always tend to cover the same episodes and stop around the same place, before the episodes that I really want to see reactions for! I want to see everyone's reactions to Hiccup punching Snotlout in the face in The Zippleback Experience or to the events in Dire Straits. A Time to Skrill, Buffalord Soldier, the Hicstrid in Blundsided, Midnight Scrum! If there is the slightest chance that to will continue this story, perhaps you can find the motivation in doing your favorite episodes. They don't necessarily have to watch all the episodes, just the best ones or the ones that have an effect on the characters and what they are learning through this experience.
autumncat210 chapter 9 . 4/18/2019
It was good and please update soon
Hallon H. Stark chapter 9 . 4/3/2019
Are you still updating this? It would be super duper awesome!
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