Reviews for Horny Clone Maker
Mari Wollsch chapter 11 . 2/15
great! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kaiya Azure chapter 11 . 10/4/2019
So, they went through all of that because a group of idiots didn't know how to properly read some ancient text? Too bad the Babel Fish, Universal Translator, and similar translation devices were either unavailable or unable to work on something written down. Then again, they probably could have avoided the whole thing just by consulting their chosen deity on what should be done. Of course that's not much help if a group is trying to summon something that draws power from misconceptions causing one or more people to be sacrificed because of a mistranslated text. The combined despair, anger, and other negative emotions might act as a beacon for such beings. Maybe.
anonymous 101 chapter 7 . 10/2/2019
can you just put the name of the site where you post the full story whitout censor please ?
QSK chapter 2 . 10/2/2019
Someone REALLY needs to write a fic where Fury gets told to fuck himself. You did a great job on portraying how big a prick he is.
marius1117 chapter 11 . 10/1/2019
great chapter
Libatis chapter 10 . 11/24/2018
I love this story and I'm anxiously waiting for the next chapter
jdboss1 chapter 6 . 7/23/2018
WTF MAN this was over the FUCKING TO
you fucking went there i cant belive you

-below if your fic-

It wasn't intelligent by any stretch of the imagination, simply simulacra of what would one day be the Venom Symbiot, a mindless puddle of goo designed to respond to the activation sequence by covering a predetermined area of skin on a humanoid until it came into contact with warm water, at which point it would return to the small disk.
It could sense the Goosebumps on its hosts flesh as it slide out of the device and over her flesh, the reaction giving the goo like living material ample traction as it slid over her ass and down between her legs.
Slipping up between her legs the symbiot slid into her available holes to anchor itself as it spread itself higher hairless and slick without the natural hair that it could use as a base for the growth demanded of it, sliding into her vaginal area the creature filled the soft warm area fully, for a split second it wondered if the sudden flood of warm sticky fluid was the signal to return before casting the almost thought off, while liquid and of considerable warmth the fluid was definitely not water, the hosts soaking muscles began to clinch in response to it's intrusion, the firm pressure as it flowed past.

Pressing into the second hole near it's starting point the creature would have wondered at the difference between the two holes had it mind enough to do so, as it was the liquid latex like material simply filled the hosts ass
Finally with enough traction to fight against the pull of gravity a tendril launched itself up, wrapping around the hosts clit, bracing itself against the unexpected spasm from the front hole as it pulled it's mass up and slid itself over the bundle of nerves, tendrils of liquid lashed out to the side, siding around the curves of the hosts hips and meeting up with itself on the backside.
Slipping up her body the black liquid found it could better support itself by lashing an area with a single tendril and slowly drawing it back to itself, the goose bumps caused by the contact enough to provide traction for movement up the host's body. Trailing itself along the ribs the living matter ignored the host's frantic attempts to brush it away, using the contact to press itself upwards.
Reaching under her breasts the liquid took a moment to reinforce its position on the hosts body, filling in the weak places below and pressing up against the fleshy mounds it made sure to send an extra tendril around to the back to lift and support the weight, while it didn't understand it the training it had received had shown the need to keep the extra fleshy globes from flopping around during high energy movements.
Bracing itself on the hosts spine the liquid latex materiel sent out a pair of grasping tendrils, grabbing the hosts nipples, ignoring the sudden influx of endorphin signals as it pinched them tightly in an effort to pull it's mass into place.
Sliding itself into place the pseudo-symbiot squeezed itself tightly to the host, molding itself against her flesh for several second before accepting the second flood of juices from below as a signal that it had completed its mission.
Quivering in pleasure at a job well done despite lacking the mind to make such distinctions the liquid clothes received another flood of juices.
Yes, it had definitely done well.
tamagat chapter 6 . 1/19/2018
Qnd thats how the cookie crumbles!
tamagat chapter 5 . 1/19/2018
I just love how xander is the voice of common sense, in a world that doesent make much sense.
tamagat chapter 4 . 1/19/2018
Holy mother of... wow that is awesome!
tamagat chapter 2 . 1/19/2018
Ooooohh very nice! Samuel L. "Mace Fury windu" Jackson is awesome!
Avalanche-dragoon chapter 10 . 9/25/2017
Fair enough
With storms claustrophobia and the amount of times in buffyverse they end up in small enclosed space It would be a really bad idea
Eljin1 chapter 10 . 9/19/2017
cloned loki or steve strange. loki is a shape shifter so it wouldnt be much of a mental shift, but would give lots of insight into the originals motivations. steve strange would be work very well with the dimensional shenanigans that happen in sunnydale. also vs glory, the powers that be, and wolfram and hart.
Momma Lici chapter 10 . 9/18/2017
Wrin chapter 10 . 9/18/2017
Wow...ok. I don't know a lot about Forge, but this was pretty funny. Especially after the notes at the end.
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