Reviews for The One Card He Did Get
karamel10 chapter 1 . 4/12
please i want a second part love this one
Guest chapter 1 . 8/7/2017
It's probably too late to beg for a second part...but I'm going to anyways. PLEASE write more about how it goes with the rest of the team. I've read a number of great fics (including this one) that repair Danny's and Steve's relationship after that horrid, horrid ending to the season six finale but very few address the role the rest of the team, plus their friends, played in making Danny feel underappreciated.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/13/2017
Loved it! Second part please.
Shara2007 chapter 1 . 5/10/2017
I love this story I read it loke 5 times because makes me happy and fill good inside.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/29/2017
So sweet! I would love to read more from you, your stories are really great! Thank you for writing :)
Guest chapter 1 . 3/20/2017
Where are you?
hjohn302 chapter 1 . 11/30/2016
Oh... Oh, oh, oh... I do! I do! I do! I have been ruminating over it for a while, and I haven't even seen the full episode yet!

Please, please do give us the 2nd part?!

Also... I totally loved this. I liked that you had Danny blame the drugs for the half-baked gooey side of Steve showing... But I love his sincerity and Danny understanding and getting it.

Great job... and the poem at the end. Absolute perfection!
1Sherlockian chapter 1 . 10/8/2016
This is officially my favorite fix-it fic for this ep. You're awesome
Siena Christmas chapter 1 . 9/20/2016
Such a great one-shot! I really really enjoyed seeing Danny get some credit for saving the day, and it made me happy that Steve stepped in and wrote that cute card for him! Again, this was great and it made me laugh and even cry a little. Thanks for posting!
macberly chapter 1 . 8/31/2016
I'll take more! I have a feeling that the five-0 writers will continue with their ideas of making a joke out of Danny and continue to have everyone ignore what he did for his supposed Ohana. Thank you for sharing!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/25/2016
really enjoyed this looking forward to youfinishing saving for sharing your talent!
BlindAlley05 chapter 1 . 7/19/2016
I honestly would love a second part to go with this story because honestly I LOVED it! I love the interaction between Steve and Danny and how much they really do care for each each other. Great writing and I hope you write more because I'll be reading!
lafbnz chapter 1 . 7/6/2016
More please!Puppy dog eye!
FicreaderT chapter 1 . 6/27/2016
Nicely done! I could absolutely see this happening on the show! Honestly, I was a little bit perturbed with Steve's behavior on the finale, but choose to believe he expressed his appreciation in private and TPTB elected not to show it. :)
Calebwolf chapter 1 . 6/23/2016
Welcome back you have been sorely missed!
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