Reviews for Risk and Reward
Noctus Fury chapter 1 . 9/1/2018
Wow! This is REALLY good! And the message and lesson of this story is well written! WELL DONE! My heart went out to those nobles who tried to rise above the ashes of war. You did well with the emotion in this story.

I've never played this game. I've binge-watched the game on Youtube and I'm interested in getting it. I love role-playing games. I would love to see more stories. I'm planning on writing one as well. In fact, I have a poll to ask who my character should be, since I have no idea who he should be. Though, despite the poll, I might make my own decision if I suddenly have an idea.

Thank you for writing this and for sharing this with us.

Noctus Fury
Target22 chapter 1 . 3/9/2017
This is great! Your frustration from the abandoned characters is palpable and relatable. The storytelling is wonderful and I hope to see more like this. Great job!
Mackinzzzzzzz chapter 1 . 12/12/2016
Nice stuff
Pellaeon-The-First chapter 1 . 7/4/2016
I'm considering writing my own fic now after reading this. Please, continue yours! A fine piece of work, good sir!
Shadow of the Hitokiri chapter 1 . 6/20/2016