Reviews for What Others Think
derek chapter 1 . 7/28/2019
raven saying to garfield I love you too
fangirl4life03 chapter 1 . 6/23/2016 much fluff! This was so amazing I can hardly breathe! This seriously made my night, thanks for making this!
MistEssence chapter 1 . 6/22/2016
Hello. I think this kind of dark content / subject matter is very difficult to write, so I'm going to give you some pointers. The first possible problem I noticed was that Beast Boy, unless he was in some animal form with a great sense of smell, wouldn't have noticed the smell of blood unless there were like, gallons of it. You don't really smell blood unless there's a lot of it, generally speaking. I felt like such heavy material moved too fast for its own good; you could try to slow it down with more dialogue or more detailed descriptions of the atmosphere, for example. Another possible problem I detected was that, well, I think I know Raven's character fairly well (I'm a huge fan; she's my favorite aside from Robin), and I don't think she would take a stranger's hurtful words so seriously. Maybe if it came from someone she knew? Or if these people found some way to seriously get under her skin somehow. Maybe if she had been a long-term self-harmer and these strangers noticed her scars somehow and verbally abused her because of it? That could work, I think. Finally, I don't think that Raven would laugh so soon after self-harming / a suicide attempt, whatever it was. Oh, and I noticed a few spelling errors. Aside from all that, I think this one-shot has some seriously good potential, and I rather enjoyed it. Kudos to you for choosing to write such difficult content.
The Border Collie chapter 1 . 6/22/2016
Dis was so sweet! As Beast Boy loves Raven, I love dis fanfic.
Continue living ok?
Allen Blaster chapter 1 . 6/21/2016
Oh my goodness! I'm so glad I decided to check the updated stories this time! Been a lot of bull RobRae being posted all day! Thank you for finally giving me something that made my day!
AzarathMetrionWrinthos04 chapter 1 . 6/21/2016
Very nice one shot man!