Reviews for The Unlikely Math Geek of 221B
Dina C chapter 1 . 7/25/2016
Beautiful, original piece. Lovely and suspenseful, too. Very well done. Thanks for sharing.
New-Fanfictionaddict chapter 1 . 7/1/2016
Fist, I want to say that, for a first story, it wasn't bad at all. I liked the idea, and more or less the way you carried it.

Nonetheless, you've had the bad luck of running into a Maths major and Logic geek, so I need to point out the things you got wrong. Don't take it too hard. I just can't help it. ;)

In my opinion, the "continuum hypothesis" is probably the worst exemple you could have picked for this case. It's true that if it was proven true it would give us a one-to-one correspondence between the elements of two sets. Buuuut, and here is the problem with your choice, the CH has been proven to be "unprovable". That means, you can't prove it to be true, and you can't prove it to be false, either. So, in the end the CH tells us that you can pair up the elements almost any way you want, and there's no way which is "better" or "truer" than the other. Which I personally find very inspiring, but I really don't think was what you were going for.

And anyway, the proof for that is a really complicated piece of formal logic. So there is no way Watson could have fit it on a blackboard, and even if he did, if he's able to prove the CH (or, in this case, the "unprovability" of it) in one night, without any formal training outside of highschool maths, fuck Sherlock, HE's the real genius here. He should go to Princeton and start working to get a much deserved Phields Medal (the Nobel Prize in Mathematics) right away!

P.D: Sorry if there are any errors, English is not my first language.
sweetmarly chapter 1 . 6/24/2016
A charming and delightful story. It is quite refreshing and original. I enjoyed the dialogue and concept of the story. For your first story here on FF you are off to a terrific start. I am following you and look forward to reading your future work.