Reviews for Scowls and Sarcasm
Tsumujikaze Yumi chapter 16 . 2/14/2017
Great ! I really liked how you made them speak all along :) and the fandoms' mix is splendid !
Tari4078 chapter 16 . 7/1/2016
I liked this story, I would have liked maybe an epilogue, like 10 years later, but love won, so that is what mattered.
Somebody chapter 16 . 6/25/2016
I'm really surprised that this only has one other review. I'm a big fan of Pride & Prejudice, and I like how you've actually altered it for Teen Wolf instead of keeping the entire plot for P&P and just changing the character names to people from Teen Wolf. Thanks for writing it!
Arkytior's Rose chapter 1 . 6/25/2016
Good start! Nice plot. Loving it.. :)